Hey guys ..Not a chapter..

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Hey guys!

I just wanna say that I'm so happy that you are reading my story. I never expected this many people to want to read it. I only thought I would get like 5.....

Anyway, I wanna know what you guys think of my story so far. Is there anything you want to happen?

I also have a few questions for you guys:

- I was thinking of having a time jump. Do you want me to continue this story till they are finished with high school, and then make a new book with the time jump?

- Do you have any requests of other Tv Shows that I can make fan fictions of. (If so, what paring?)

If you guys wanna know more about me, just ask. I really want you guys to get to know me better. For example were am I from, how old I am, or just random question you'd like me to answer.


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