Fights and kisses

295 13 3

----1 month later-----

Everything is as good as it can be for the core five. Lucas and Maya are hanging out all the time, flirting and kisses, and it's getting kinda annoying. Farkle and Riley are hanging out a lot, but they ain't as close as Maya and Lucas. Zay are over Riley, and are now focusing all his attention on his new club, 'the Lucaya club'.

They had all decided that they were gonna spend the Friday night watching a movie at Riley, and just hang out. They hadn't gotten much time to hang out, so Riley was really exited for the group to be back together again. She had just found some snacks, and a blanket, cause Maya said she needed it.

*beep from the intercom*

"It's Maya"

Riley runs to intercom, and let's her in. After a minute there is a knock on the door. She opens the door, and let's Maya in.

Riley - Peaches.

Maya - Sunshine.

They hug.

Riley - How is things going with you and Lucas.

Maya - Great, we hang out all the time. Did I tell you he is an amazing kisser?

Riley - No, you didn't. I wish Farkle would kiss me.

Maya - What!? Farkle and you aren't kissing.

Riley - Yes, we are. But he only peeks me on the lips, we have never make out like you and Lucas.

Maya - Honey, if you want to, just go for it. He obviously is too scared to ask you. Just grab his face, and kiss him.

Riley - Thanks for the advice, Maya. You sound exactly like Lucas. You hand out with him so much you are starting to talk like him.

Maya - What?!? No, I'm not!

Riley walks and finds the blanket Maya wanted.

Riley - Maya, why do you need a blanket.

Maya - Lucas make me ask you for one. He wants to cuddle with me, while we are watching the movie.

Riley - Awww!! Why are you guys so perfect?

Maya - Riles, we ain't perfect. We are ourselves, and accept one another. We are far from perfect, but that's want makes us so strong together. We complete each other and love each other, no matter what.

Riley - Awww!! That's the sweetest thing I have ever heard you say. Lucas is making you all lovey-dovey.

Maya - Yes, he is.

*beep from the intercom*

-It's Farkle
-And Lucas
-and Zay too.

Riley - Come up, guys.

She buzzes them in, and opens the front door when they knock on it.

Riley - Hey, Farkle.

Farkle - Hey, Riley.

He gives her a peek on the lips, and smiles at her. The guys walk in, and Lucas walks right over to Maya. He gives her a long loving kiss on the lips.

Lucas - Hey, babe.

Maya - Hello, handsome.

They sit down, Maya on Lucas' lap, the blanket covering them.

Farkle - Why do you guys have a blanket.

Lucas - So we can cuddle.

Farkle - Oh, okay.

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