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Maya and Lucas were doing great. They both love each other a little bit more every day. Maya were having breakfast with the Matthews on Saturday morning. They were talking about whatever were going on in their life's, when Josh walks in the front door.

Josh - Hey, guys. My brother.

Cory - My brother, what are you doing here?

Josh - I actually need to talk to Maya.

Maya - Okay, what is it?

Josh - I meant in private...

Maya - Whatever you have to tell me, the Matthews can hear.

Josh - Okay, fine. Maya, I know I said you were too young for me, but I can't get you out of my head. Maya, I want to be together with you.

Maya - I'm sorry, Josh. But I'm dating Lucas. I'm over you, it was just a silly crush anyway. Lucas makes me happy.

Josh - It seems like I need to have a little talk to your so called boyfriend.

Maya - No, you don't.

Cory - Yeah, Josh. Maya and Lucas are good together, you can't break them up even how hard you try.

Maya - Aww, Matthews. Nice to know you think Lucas and I are good together.

Josh - But I want to be your boyfriend, Maya.

Maya - I'm sorry, Josh.

------Monday at school------

Lucas - Hey, Maya. How was your weekend?

Riley - Josh came over and tried to make her break up with you, so he could be her boyfriend.

Maya - Riley!

Lucas - What?!? He did what?!?

Maya - Lucas, calm down. I told his I were together with you, and that he couldn't change that. I wanna be together with you, and only you.

Lucas calms down, and couldn't help but smile at Maya. She always looks so beautiful.

Lucas - Just promise me that you wouldn't ever be together with him, and I'll be fine.

Maya - I promise.

Josh - Hehe. I'm sorry, but that is a promise she can't keep.

Riley - What are you doing here, uncle Josh?

Josh - I'm here to get Maya to go you with me, and dump the cowboy.

Lucas - First of all, Maya is the only one that gets to call me nickname.

Maya - Yeah.

Lucas - And second, she isn't gonna dump me. She loves me.

Josh - Sure she does.

Cory walks out of his classroom, to see where all the noise were coming from.

Cory - What doing on here? What are you doing here, Josh.

Josh - To get Maya, and to do this.....

He throws a punch at Lucas, but Maya jumps in front of him.

Riley - OMG!!! Maya!!!

She runs up, and kneels down next to Maya. She is sitting on the floor, a hand covering her nose, tears in her eyes. Lucas turns to Josh, and slams him again the nearest locker. Lucas hold his up against the lockers.

Lucas - If Maya weren't on the floor hurt right now, I would have punched you. But I'm not gonna step down to your level.

He let's go of Josh, and walks over to Maya, who is now standing. Josh runs out the door, not bothering to look back.

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