+ or -

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Warning! This chapter contains maturity!!!

5 minutes till answer.........

Lucas had knocked on her window the day after the argument. Maya was confused to see him, cause she still though he was mad at her. She opens the window, and let's him into her room.

Maya - What are you doing here?

Lucas - Is your mom home?

Maya - No, she is at work. What are you doing here?

Lucas - Take this.

He hands her a little box. She looks at it, and realized that it's a pregnancy test.

Maya - What the hell?! Why do I need to take this? I'm not pregnant?!?

Lucas - You have been puking and having mood swings. I just wanna be sure if you are or not. Please take it.

Maya - Fine..

4 minutes....

They were sitting on Maya's bed, waiting for the answer from the test. The pregnancy test were laying on her bedside table. Lucas had his arm around Maya, trying to calm her down

Maya - What if I'm pregnant?! I can't be pregnant at 16!!! Oh, wait. I'm not even 16 yet!

Lucas - Maya, relax.

Maya - How can you be so calm about this?!

Lucas - All I know is that I love you no matter what. I will stand by you even if your pregnant or not. I love you too much to even leave you.

Maya - But what if I am pregnant?

Lucas - Then we will get though it.

Maya - But....

Lucas - Maya, just calm down. Everything is gonna be okay.

3 minutes......

They were quietly waiting for the results that may change their lives forever. They were both playing with their hands, not quite knowing what to do, or say at this moment.

2 minutes.....

Lucas had used all afternoon yesterday after his father's remark to think about it. When he had woken up after his nap, he when to the nearest drug store, and bought a pregnancy test. He hid it under his bed, until this morning. He wanted an answer to the question: Did I get Maya pregnant? He could bear to go around and think about it any longer. He had calmed himself down, cause he knew he needed to stay calm for Maya. If he freaked out, she would too, and the whole situation would be way more stressful.

1 minutes.....

Time for the truth. Could this really happen to them at such an young age? Yes or No. They wanted an answer, right now.

(Beep) (Beep) (Beep) (Beep)

Time for the truth. Maya reaches a shaking hand to her bedside table. She takes the pregnancy test in her hand, and looks at it. She let's out a breath in relief, and hands the test to Lucas.

Lucas - It's negative.

Lucas says while looking at the - sighs on the little screen on the test.

Maya - It's negative.

Lucas - That's good

Maya - Yeah, it is. I wasn't really ready to have a kid yet.

Lucas - Me ether. But I think that we need to be more careful next time we have sex.

Maya - Agreed. I can ask my mom if I can start on the pill.

Lucas - I love you so much, Maya.

Maya - I love you too, Lucas.

They share a passionate kiss.

Thanks for reading :)

This chapter is short, I know. Next chapter will be longer. :)


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