Graduation and Texas

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Zay's pov

It's finally graduation! I can't wait to start High school. Maya and Lucas are happily dating, and I'm so grateful for that. They are both really happy. Maya brings out the true side of Lucas, and she loves him for who he is. Lucas is really excited to bring her to Texas this summer. He has been talking about it for weeks, it's like the only thing he talks about. Maya and Lucas are still teasing each other, and that is a thing that probably never will stop. Farkle and Riley are dating too. I'm still in love with Riley, and I want her to be my girlfriend. My plan is to break them up, and I'm gonna use all summer to make the perfect plan. She is gonna be mine in the end.

Lucas' pov

We finally graduated middle school! I'm laying on my bed with Maya, cuddling. We are going to Texas tomorrow, and I'm so excited. It will be so much fun. I'm so excited to introduce her to my family, I just hope she doesn't make fun of them. Who am I kidding, she is gonna make fun of them anyway. I'm just glad that nobody has told her that she has to wear cowboy clothes to the wedding. She would probably never go with me if I tell her that. It will be so fun to see Maya with  a cowboy hat on, I bet she looks beautiful. She always looks beautiful.

Maya - What are you thinking about?

Lucas - You.

Maya smile at me, and gives me a kiss on the cheek. I take my hand under her skin and lean her head up, so our lips meet.

Maya - I love you, Lucas.

Lucas - I love you too, Maya.

Maya - Are you excited for tomorrow?

Lucas - Of course! I get to introduce you to my whole family.

Maya - And I get to learn new things to tease you about.

Lucas - Well, my family does like to tell stories about me to people.

Maya - I hate that I can't get to you.

Lucas - Sorry, ma'am.

I tip my imaginary hat. She makes a annoyed sound, and takes her lips on mine. I'm so glad Maya is my girlfriend, I don't know what I would do without her. She means the world to me. I really want my family to like her, but I actually don't think that is gonna be a problem. My grandfather said he liked Maya, he also said that it was cute when we tease each other. If my grandfather thinks so, everyone is probably gonna like her too. Maya make people like her without even realizing it. I'm gonna try to get Maya to ride a horse with me. It's one of my favorite thing to do in Texas, but I bought she wants to. I will find a way to get her on that house with me one way or another. Riley were gonna visit her grandparents in Pennsylvania this summer, and Farkle were going with his parents to some cabin in the woods. They are so sad that they can't see each other all summer. Zay were given back to Texas as well, but he isn't leaving until next week. This is gonna be a great summer.

Maya's pov

Lucas and I are now on the train on our way to Texas. I have to admit that I'm really excited to be spending my summer with Lucas. We are gonna be staying at Pappy Joe's house ones again. He is truly one of the coolest person ever, and I'm sure he'll tell me some good Lucas stories. If I ever write a book, it would be called, "The great great adventures of Bucky McBoingBoing" I feel like I know way too much about Lucas, enough to write an entire book about him. I hope Lucas wouldn't make me do some stupid cowboy thing while we are in Texas. One of the things I really wanna do is sit at the same fireplace that we had our first kiss next to. We weren't even together at that time.

Later that night

Lucas' pov

We had just gotten to my grandpas house, and we see him sitting in his chair outside the house.

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