Meet my new girlfriend, or not....

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Maya's pov

Maya - Lucas, I don't think we should tell anyone we are together.

Lucas - Why?

Maya - I don't want to hurt Riley's feelings. She has had a crush on you for a really long time, I don't want Riley to be sad.

Lucas - But, I will talk to her and explain everything.

Maya - Lucas, please! We will tell people eventually, just not now.

Lucas - Okay..

Lucas makes a sad face, and lays down on his bed. I looks at him, and crawl on top of him. I give him a kiss on the cheek, and hug him.

Maya - Don't act like this, Hopalong. I love you, but I want to make sure that Riley don't end up hurt.

Lucas - Everything for my Clutterbucket.

Lucas peeks my lips, and smile at me with the sweetest smile I have ever seen. He is so cute and innocent, but I know that he also have a dark side. I have seen his dark side, and I feel protected just by knowing it is there. Omg!! I'm turning soft!! Someone please help me!!!

..........At school the next day.........

Riley's pov

I have to find a way to get Lucaya together. Aww, I love there ship name. It's almost as cute as Filey. Ops, well, Farkle will never know. He has Smakle, and he is happy, so I guess I will have to get over my crush. The problem is that I don't want to. FILEY FOREVE WOHOOO!!!! OMG!!! I'M LATE FOR CLASS!!!

Zay's pov

I want Lucas to be together with Maya. They are so perfect for each other. Riley has the perfect plan, and it was supposed to start now, but she isn't here yet. I look over at Farkle, and he looks back at me. We both have confused looks on our faces. Suddenly she comes running in the door.

Riley - Sorry I'm late dad.

Mr. Matthews - It's okay Riley, we were just about to start.

The lesson started, I didn't really pay attention. I have to focused on the plan. The three of us look at each other, and smile. Game on.

Riley - Dad, can I say something?

Mr. Matthews - Okay

Riley - Why wouldn't they just work together to get into space?

Mr. Matthews - Cause they didn't like each other, but I agree with you that it would be better if they worked together.

Riley - It's kinda like the relationship between Maya and Lucas.

Lucaya look at Riley confused.

Maya - This is nothing like me and Huckleberry.

Zay - It kinda is.

Maya stands up and try to walk over to Zay, but Lucas holds her back.

...........After school..............

Lucas' pov

Me and Maya were ones again laying on my bed in my room. She was cuddling with me. I didn't think Maya liked to cuddle at all, but I was wrong. I want to tell the others really bad. I don't like keeping secrets from my best friends.

Lucas - Maya, I really don't want to keep us a secret anymore.

Maya - Why not?

Lucas - Cause they are our friends, they deserve to know.

Maya - I don't want Riley's feeling to be hurt. We have been best friends as long as I can remember. I don't want to ruin that, just because if a guy.

Lucas - Maya, if she is your real friend, she will understand.

Maya - No, she wouldn't. The Matthews are the only family I have except for a half mom. If I hurt Riley's feeling, it will only be me and my mom.

Lucas - That wouldn't happen, Maya. Please don't make me keep this a secret.

Maya - Well, I will make it easy for you. We are done.

Lucas - Maya, wait!

But it is too late, Maya has already climbed out the window. What have I done?

........The next day.........

I walk into school, and I see a crying Riley, in the arms of Farkle. I walk over to them.

Lucas - Why are you crying Riley.

Riley just started to cry harder.

Farkle - Maya moved to LA with her mother this morning. She didn't even say goodbye.

Lucas - What do you mean, Maya moved to LA.

Riley - She is no longer going to this school, and she is no longer here for me.

Oh no, this is all my fault. I'm so stupid! Farkle is now crying too! Oh no, I'm gonna cry myself.


Zay walk over to his friends, to see them all crying.

Zay - Why y'all crying?

Lucas - Maya moved to LA this morning.

Zay - NOOOOO!!!!!

Zay falls down on his knees, and start to cry as well.


Thanks for reading. I will try to update as often as I can.

Song: Unforgivable Sinner -by Lene Marlin

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