The other date

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It has been 1 month since Maya and Lucas when out ob their date. They were going strong, and everything is perfect. Lucas is planning on tell Maya he loves her, but he is really nervous. What if she doesn't love him back? What is she break up with him? What if she punch him in the face? Lucas was on his way over to Maya's place, to tell her he loves her. He honestly love everything about her. Her long blonde hair. Her beautiful face. Her cool clothes style. The way she smile. The way she laugh. The way she makes fun of him. He loves every part of her. He couldn't imagine life without Maya. Life would suck without Maya around.
Riley and Farkle just started to date last week. They are so cute together. They laugh at the same things. They are way too happy and positive, it's getting kinda weird.

Lucas' pov

I'm so nervous. I'm on my way to Maya's house, to tell her I love her. I'm now right outside her window. I see her sitting on her bed, drawing. I knock on the window, and Maya look over at me. She stands up, and open the window. I climb in, and we sit down on her bed.

Maya - What are you doing here?

Lucas - Either I allowed to visit my girlfriend?

I had a really nervous voice, as I said that. She gives me a look.

Lucas - Okay, the real reason I'm here is cause I need to tell you something.

Maya - Okay, then tell me.

Here goes nothing.

Lucas - I love you.

She sits there, and just look at me. It feels like me have been sitting here for hours.

Maya - I love you too, Lucas.

I look in her eyes, and we both lean in. We smile into the kiss, this is the best day ever.

I left her house a hour later. I'm so happy I told her how I feel. I couldn't hold it in anymore. She is so special, and I want her to be mine forever. We are finished with middle school in about a month, and I was thinking of asking Maya if she wanted to go back to Texas with me. My cousin are getting married, and I want her to be my date to the wedding. I'm always the one without a date, but that is gonna change.

The next day at school, I see Maya and Riley talking next to Riley's locker. I take a deep breath, and walk over to them.

Lucas - Maya, can I ask you something?

Maya - Sure, ask away.

Lucas - I'm going to Texas this summer, to attend my cousin's wedding, and I want you to come with me.

Riley - That is so cute. Maya, say yes!

Maya - Okay, I will come to Texas with you, Ranger Rick.

Maya lean in and peek my lips. She give me a sweet smile, and I take her into my arms. We stand in each other's arms until the bell rings. We walk to class, and all I can think of is how much fun me and Maya are gonna have. I can ride a horse with her. Hehe, Maya would probably kill me if I tried to get her on a horse. Well, it will be the best summer ever for sure.

We are sitting in Mr. Matthews class, and suddenly Farkle decides it's "Farkle time" This is gonna be interesting, I always lean something interesting from him. I wonder what he's gonna say this time. Mr. Matthews sits down in Farkle's seat.

Farkle - I was gonna use my "Farkle time" to tell you all something about the lesson, but instead. Riley, I really like you, do you wanna go on a date with me this Friday night?

Mr. Matthews looks like he is gonna explode.

Riley - Yes, I will go an a date with you.

Mr. Matthews stands up, and walks toward Farkle. Farkle get scared, and run out of the class, and Mr. Matthews runs after him. We all are quite for a few seconds, before Maya turns to Riley.

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