Riley's Choise

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Riley - I know you both want to be together with me, but that's impossible. So, I have to choose. I choose...........

--------Earlier that day---------

Riley woke up feeling really conflicted. It was Monday, and Riley had used the whole weekend think about Farkle and Zay. Who does she choose? Riley gets really for the day, and as she is about to go get breakfast, Maya comes through her window.

Maya - Good morning, Riles.

She says this in a way too cheerful voice.

Riley - Peaches! Someone is in a good mood today.

Maya - Yeah, life is wonderful.

Riley - At least for someone it is. I still don't know what to do with the whole Farkle and Zay thing.

Maya - You will have to choose, it will just get worse the longer you wait.

Riley - You're right. Let's go get some breakfast.

Maya - Sure.

Maya and Riley walks into the kitchen, and sits down at the dinner table. Cory, Topanga and Auggie are already sitting at the table eating. They stop walking, and looks at Riley and Maya.

Topanga - This is strange.

Auggie - Why are you sad, Riley.

Riley - I need to choose between Farkle and Zay.

Cory - They better not hurt you, or I will hunt them down.

Topanga - Anyway, Maya, Why are you so happy?

Maya - Lucas and I have been hanging out all weekend. He also told be he loved me.

Maya smiles dreamily into the air.

Auggie - We have lost her.

Just then the front door open, and Josh walks in.

Josh - Hello, guys. My brother.

He first bumps with Cory

Cory - My brother.

Riley - How is it going, uncle Josh?

Josh - Really good.

He looks over at Maya, who isn't paying attention, but texting on her phone.

Josh - Hello, Maya. Your not gonna jump on my back this time?

She didn't answer, she was too caught up in texting.

Josh - What's going on with her?

Just then Maya notices Josh.

Maya - Hello, Josh. When did you get here?

Josh - A little while ago. I thought you would be the first one to notice me. Who are you texting.

Maya - Lucas.

She looks back down on her phone. Josh looks at Riley questioning.

Riley - Maya and Lucas got together in the end of middle school. They're in looove.

Maya - Oh shut up, Riles.

Josh - So you're not gonna be all over me anymore.

Maya - Nope, I'm too young for you. It was just a silly crush anyway. I have Huckleberry now. Riley, we need to go to school. I'm gonna meet up with Ranger Rick before class.

Riley - Okay let's go. Goodbye, mom, Auggie and uncle Josh. See you at school, dad.

----At school-----

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