Double Date

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Lucas wakes up, and opens his eyes. He smiles at sight of the blonde haired girl laying on his chest. He takes some hair away from her face, and looks at her. She looks so peaceful sleeping, so beautiful. He gives her a peek on the cheek, and holds her a little closer. He hears Maya letting out a giggle. Lucas looks at her, and sees her smiling at him.

Lucas - Good morning, blonde beauty.

Maya - Good morning, Huckleberry.

Lucas - How did you sleep?

Maya - Good, you're so comfy.

She cuddles closer into Lucas' chest.

Lucas - You need to wake up, we are going on that date with Farkle and Riley later.

Maya - Can't we just lay here all day?

Lucas - Come on, I'll make you pancakes for breakfast.

Maya - Okay, fine.

They got dressed, and then Maya were going her makeup in the bathroom. Lucas looks at all the different products that he had no idea what was.

Lucas - Makeup is so confusing. I mean this looks like a pencil.

He holds up the pencil. Maya takes it from him.

Maya - This is an eyeliner.

Lucas - I still looks like a pencil to me.

Maya - I'm so glad you're not a girl.

Lucas - Me too.

They walks down to the kitchen, and sees mr. and Mrs. Friar drinking coffee.

Amy - Good morning, kid.

Lucas - Good morning, mama.

Lucas walks over to the kitchen cabinet, and gets the ingredients to make pancakes.

Lucas - I'm making pancakes, does somebody want some?

Luke - Making breakfast for your girlfriend, Son?

Lucas - Yes, of course.

He turn around, so he can make the pancakes.

Amy - You have got him wrapped around your finger, dear. He never makes breakfast unless he has to.

Maya smiles at this.


It was Friday afternoon, the day of the double date. They were having a picnic in the park. Maya and Lucas has hanged together for a little while, before Maya went home to get ready for the date. While Lucas were getting ready, he got a text from Farkle, saying he needed to talk to Lucas. Lucas told him to come over, and after 10 minutes, he did.

Lucas - Hey, dude. So, what do you need to talk to me about?

Farkle - How did you tell Maya you loved her?

Lucas - Well, it kinda just slipped out, and I freaked out, but then she said it back. What's going on, Farkle?

Farkle - I wanna tell Riley, I love her, but I'm too scared.

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