Only Just A Dream

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Maya and I was on our way to a weekend getaway. I had rented out this cabin a few hours outside of New York, and that was were we were headed. The ride had turned out great, until i said the unthinkable.

Lucas - Will you marry me?

Maya - What?!

Lucas - What?

I turn my head to look at Maya.

Maya - Lucas, look out!

I turn my head back to look at the round, but it was too late. There was a big crashing sound, and then everything went black.


I opened my eyes, and looked around. I try to sit up, but a hand holds me back.

....- Please lay back down.

The words came from a woman I have never seen before. I try to speak, but there is something in my throat.

....- We had to take a tube in to help you breathe. I'll take it out now, just relax.

The woman takes the tube out of my mouth. My throat is very sore, but I managed to speak anyway.

Lucas - Were am I? What happened?

....- You are at Austin medical center. I'll tell your doctor and family that your awake.

Lucas - Can I maybe get some water, ma'am.

Nurse - Sure, I'll be right back.

Lucas - Okay.

What the lady, who I assume is a nurse said. I was in Austin, Texas. Wait a second, Maya and I weren't even drive anywhere near Texas. What is going on? My thoughts were interrupted by people coming into the room.

Mrs. Friar - Omg, Lucas! We are so glad you are awake. I was so worried!

Lucas - What happened?

Mr. Friar - You fell off the bull and hit the ground pretty hard.

What? Now I'm really confused! It was all just a dream?

Dr. Karev - Hello, Lucas. Nice to see your finally awake.

Lucas - What do you mean finally awake?

Dr. Karev - You have been in a come for a week.

Lucas - Oh, is there something else I need to know?

Dr. Karev - Well, you are lucky, you only have 2 broken ribs and a broken foot. I'll have to get someone from neurology to check for any sign of brain damage, and if everything looks fine, you can go home this afternoon.

He left the room, leaving the family alone.

Lucas - Did my friends go back to New York?

Mrs. Friar - Yes, they needed to go back to school.

Lucas - Do you know if Maya is angry at me?

Mr. Friar - No, why should she be angry at you.

Lucas - She didn't want me to ride the bull, she told me if I did she would never speak to me again. How could I have been so stupid? I should have listened to her.

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