Prom and New Girl

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Maya and Riley just got ready for prom, and were looking at them self's in the mirror.

Riley - Wow, Maya. You look wow!

Maya - You look wow too, Riley.

Topanga - You both look wow.

They look at the door of Riley's room, and sees Cory and Topanga standing there.

Cory - Can't we keep them at home? They are growing up too fast. Before we know it they are married and have kids.

Topanga - Cory, calm down.

Maya - Yeah, don't worry, Matthews. We are not planning on getting married for a long while.

Cory - That was what I thought too!

Maya - But we ain't you, and I don't think Lucas is gonna propose to me on our graduation day. I fact I will give you 50 dollars if he does.

Cory - Game on.

Topanga - Anyway, Farkle and Lucas are here.

Riley - What?!? Why did you wait so long to tell me??? FARKLE!!!!!

She runs out of her room screaming.

Maya - You know, you shoulder be more concerned about her, then me. If anyone is gonna proposed on our High School graduation, it's Farkle.

Cory - Oh no, I have got to stop this!

Topanga - Leave the poor kids alone, Cory.

Cory - Okay, fine. I will leave them alone....for now.

----The living room----

Farkle - What is taking them so long?

Lucas - I don't know, girl stuff??

Farkle - Maybe......

Just then Riley runs into the room.

Riley - FARKLE!!!!!!

She runs into his arms and gives him a hug.

Farkle - What took you so long?

Lucas - Yeah, we have been waiting for quite a while.

Riley - My parents didn't tell us you guys were here.

Farkle - Anyway, you look amazing, Riley.

Riley - Thank you, Farkle.

And gives him a peek on his lips.

Lucas - Riley, were is my girlfriend?

Maya - Right here.

He looks up, and sees her walks over to them.

Lucas - Wow, Maya. You look....

Maya - I look what???

Lucas - You look gorgeous!! You truly are a Blonde Beauty.

Maya - Well, you look quite handsome yourself, Huckleberry.

Maya kisses Lucas on the lips, and he kisses back.

Riley - Guys, we need to go. You have time to do enough of that at prom, while Zay is staring at you.

------At Prom------

Zay and the rest of the 'Lucaya club' were watch Lucas and Maya dance together.

Zay - They are so cute.

Sarah - Yeah, I know, right?

Zay - Are anyone taking pictures of this?

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