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It has been 1 weeks since the incident at Topanga's, and things were far from normal. Farkle and Zay were throwing daggers at each other, and Riley were still very confused. The only normal ones was Lucas and Maya. They were getting really tired of the whole love triangle going on. But it gave them a lot of time to hangout and go one dates, so it wasn't really that bad for them. It was Friday, and Maya was at the Friar apartment hanging out with Lucas. They were sitting in the living room and watch TV, Maya sitting on Lucas' lap. Lucas had forced Maya to watch an old western movie, so she was making fun of all the things happening in the movie. Mrs. Friar walks through the door a little while later.

Mrs. Friar - Well hello, Maya.

Maya - Hello, Mrs. Friar.

Mrs. Friar - Oh, dare, call me Amy. Lucas, come help me with the groceries.

Lucas - Yes, ma'am

Lucas goes to help his mom, and Maya stays in the living room. Amy comes out of the kitchen a few minutes later.

Mrs. Friar - How are you, Maya?

Maya - I'm good, a little boring, but good.

Amy looks over at what is playing on the TV.

Mrs. Friar - Did Lucas fours you to watch that with him?

Maya - Yeah. I'm not really a big fan of western movies.

Mrs. Friar - I can see if I can do something with that.

Mrs. Friar smiles at Maya, as Lucas walks into the room.

Mrs. Friar - Lucas, turn on something that Maya wants to watch.

Lucas - But....

Mrs. Friar - No butts, be a gentleman. You have watched those movies a hundred times.

Lucas - Okay, fine. Let's find something that Maya can't make fun of.

Maya - That will pretty much be impossible, but you can try.

Mrs. Friar - I'm gonna go start dinner, your father will be home soon. Maya, you are welcome to stay for dinner.

Maya - Thank you, Mrs. Fri......I mean Amy.

Mrs. Friar walking into the kitchen, and Maya sits back on Lucas' lap. They watch some TV, and they actually finds something they both wanted to see. After a little while, Mr. Friar comes through the front door. Maya had never meet him before, and he had never met her either.

Mr. Friar - Hello, son. Who is this wonderful lady?

Lucas - This is my girlfriend Maya, sir.

Maya - Nice to meet you, Mr, Friar.

Mr. Friar - Nice to meet you too, Maya? and please call me Luke. So, are you staying for dinner? I would really like to get to know the girl my son talks so much about.

Maya - Then you're in luck. I hope you have some good Ranger Rick stories to tell me.

Mr. Friar - Hehehe. Indeed, I do. And I like that nickname.

Maya - That is good, cause I have many more. Isn't that right, Huckleberry?

Lucas - It is, Short Stack.

Lucas kisses Maya's cheek, and smiles sweetly at her.

Mrs. Friar - Well, ain't you kinda just adorable. How was work, Luke?

Mr. Friar - As always, Amy.

Mrs. Friar - That's good. Dinner is ready.

Mr. Friar - Come then, Kids. Let's go eat.

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