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Maya's pov

Finally I'm back home! The new apartment is beautiful, and my room is exactly how I want it to be. I have missed New York so much! I can't wait to meet the other again, but I'm also pretty nervous. Today Lucas and I have to tell Riley about our relationship. I just want everything to be back to normal. Riley don't even know that we kissed in Texas. I don't know how she is gonna react, but I hope she will still be my best friend afterwards. I don't know what I would do without Riley. Lucas was coming over, so we could walk to school together. I don't know what me and Lucas are. Are we dating? Are we just friends? I mean, he did say he like me. I'm so confused right now. I should probably ask him when he gets here. So I will just sit her on my bed and wait.

After about 10 minutes, I see Lucas outside me window. I smile, and open the window. Lucas climbs through the window, and the first thing he do is take me into his arms.

Lucas - I have missed you so much. I'm so glad you're back.

Maya - I have missed you too, Bucky McBoingBoing.

We pull away from the hug, and Lucas looks around my room.

Lucas - Cool bedroom.

Maya - Thanks.........Can I ask you something?

Lucas - Yeah, sure.

Maya - What are we?

Lucas - Well, I was hoping you were my girlfriend.

Maya - Well, I was hoping you were my boyfriend.

We get closer, until our faces are inches apart, and I can feel his breathe in my face.

Lucas - So I guess we are a couple now.

Maya - Yeah, we are.

We close the distance between us, and our lips meet in a sweet kiss.

----At school-----

Riley's pov

Today is the day Lucaya are gonna get together, I just know it. I'm wait for Maya and Lucas at my locker. Farkle and Zay are standing here too. They have been wanting to hangout with me more, and are always looking at me. It's kinda weird, it's like they both have crushes on me. OMG!!! They both have crushes on me!! What do I do?? This have never happened to me before. Farkle just broke up with Smakle about 2 months ago, and he likes me? I don't know what to do. I have to ask Maya to come to the bay window after school. I have missed her so much!! Yay!!! My best friend in the hole world is back in New York! I'm so happy!!!

Farkle's pov

I'm so in love with Riley. I have liked her for so many years, and I want her to be mine. Zay likes Riley too, and it makes me so angry. Riley is mine, and he can't just come here and say she is his. What a jerk! Riley is gonna be mine in the end, and I'm not gonna let some cowboy take her from me! Anyway, it's time to get Lucas and Maya together. I'm so excited to see Maya again. It's not the same around here without her.

I walk over to Riley, who is standing by her locker talking to Zay. What do he think he is doing, talking to my lady. I was now in front of them, and were about to say something, when we hear a voice behind us.

Maya - Hey losers! Missed me?

We turn around to see Lucas and Maya.

Riley - YAYYYYY!!!!!

Riley run over to Maya and hug her.

Riley - I have missed you so much!

Maya - I have missed you too, peaches.

Maya came over, and gave me and Zay a hug each. It's so good to have here back again. She is the one that holds this group together, we can't make it without her any longer. It's was all awkward, cause Maya wasn't there to come up with something fun to do. We are better when we are all together, no one can deny that. Riley are always much happier with Maya around, and I want her to be happy.

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