Lucaya, French name and parents

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This chapter is gonna contain a little bit of maturity. It's not a lot, just some intense kissing, but just so you are warning..

It was Monday, and Zay woke up feeling happy. He had spent the rest of the weekend with Carly, and had so much fun. He even learned that she was starting John Quincy Adams High School today. Zay had also managed to get her to help 'The Lucaya Club' out today. Today was a special day for Lucas and Maya, and everything is about to find out why.

He got to school, and met up with 'The Lucaya Club'. Carly came early to school, as she promised, to help them out with their plan. They hang up a banner, that said 'Lucaya Day'. They blew up balloons, made signs and sat out T-Shirts with the text 'Lucaya clan' printed on. Let 'Lucaya Day' begin.

A lot of people had already gotten to school, and they had managed to get a lot of them to wear the 'Lucaya Clan' T-Shirts. After a while Lucaya and Filey walkes in.

Riley - What....

Farkle - ..The.....

Lucaya - ..Heck???

Zay - Hello, and welcome to the official 'Lucaya Day'

Maya - Lucaya Day??

Zay - Yeah, don't you guys know what date it is today.

They shock they heads no.

Zay - Well then, let me tell you. Today it's the 17th of October. It's exactly 1 year since Lucas and Maya shared their first kiss.

Maya - How do you know that? Have you been counting or something?

Zay - Yes, indeed, I have. This day is officially 'Lucaya Day' forever.

Lucas - You are gonna get in so much trouble for all this. When one of the teachers sees this, your dead, man.

Zay - At least I will go down sinking. LUCAYA FOREVER!!!

Carly - I think I'm gonna enjoy this school.

Riley - Who are you?

Carly - Hey, I'm Carly West. I just moved here. I meet Zay at Topanga's the other day.

Riley - Hey, I'm Riley, and this is my boyfriend Farkle.

Carly - Interesting name, Farkle. I like it, it's uniq.

Farkle - Thank you.

Carly - Hey, and that reminds me. Can you help me find my first class. It's with Mr. Matthews.

Lucas - That's out first class too, you can walk with us if you want.

Carly - I would love too, if that's okay with you Zay.

Zay - Of course it's okay, Carly. Now, let's go before the teacher find out it was me that made all this mess.

Mr. Matthews - Too late..

Zay - Ohh, crap.

---Lunch break---

Carly, Farkle, Riley, Maya and Lucas were sitting at lunch waiting for Zay. He was sent to the principle's office for what he did this morning.

Farkle - So, Carly. We're did you live before you moved here?

Carly - Miami, my dad got a job offer here in New York, so we decided to move.

Riley - Cool. So, what do you think of this school??

Carly - It's great, but are it always as crazy as this morning.

Lucas - No, but every one in a while it is.

Carly - Good to know.

Maya - So, what do you think of Zay?

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