Friendship breaks

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Warning!!! Involves some strong language..

Riley and Maya has always been best friends, ever since they first meet. They never let anything get between them, at least they didn't use to. Riley and Maya were in a huge argument right now, and they hadn't talked for a week, just argued. The two best friend's argument are bringing down all their friends. Farkle were cough up in if he were gonna stand with his girlfriend, or his best friend. Lucas were obviously gonna be on his girlfriend's side, but he doesn't want to hurt Riley's feelings. Zay and Carly were trying to not interfere with the girls argument.

They are at school, and Zay, Carly, Farkle and Lucas are waiting for Riley and Maya. It was lunch time, and they were all gonna eat together in the cafeteria.

Zay - Do you think that they are still fighting?

Lucas - Yeah, this one is really bad.

Farkle - They are Riley and Maya, they'll get though it, they always do.

Just then Riley and Maya walks over to them, still arguing with each other.

Maya - How can you say something like that to me, Riley?

Riley - I said it because it was true.

Maya - I hate you!

Riley - I hate you too!

The best friends walk their separate ways, leaving the other's behind.

Lucas - Yeah, this argument is not gonna end that quickly.

Farkle - What is the argument even about?

Lucas - I have no idea, but I'm gonna find out.

Zay - Yeah, Lucas and I can go talk to Maya. Carly, you and Farkle can go talk to Riley.

Farkle - Sure.

Carly - Okay.

Lucas - No, Zay, you can also go talk to Riley. I need to talk to Maya alone.

Zay - But....

Lucas - Zay!

Zay - Fine, let's go guys.

Farkle, Carly and Zay, lead to the cafeteria to look for Riley. They find her sitting at a table alone, eating her lunch. They sit down at the table, trying to find something to say.

Farkle - What's going between you and Maya, Riley.

Riley - I don't wanna talk about it.

Farkle - But...

Riley - I just don't wanna talk about it! Okay?

She stands up, and leaves the cafeteria. Farkle let's out a sign, and Zay and Carly looks really worried. This wasn't like Riley at all.

Lucas knew exactly were Maya was, so he ran to find her. He walked into the art room, to find Maya painting. Walking over to her, Lucas can see that she is crying. Taking her in his arms, he holds her tight, and let's her finish crying. After a few minutes, he hear the crying stop. Maya goes out of his arm brace, and sits down on a chair. Lucas takes a seat right next to her.

Lucas - What's going on between you and Riley?

She doesn't say anything, and just stays quiet.

Lucas - Maya, please tell me. I hate to see you cry, but I can't make it stop before you tell me what happened.

Maya - Okay, here is what happened yesterday:

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