Loved ones

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1 week later...

It was a normal Wednesday morning, the sun was shine, the birds singing and love flowing in the air. Lucas and Maya had been more careful after their pregnancy scare. They had started to go on more dates, and were getting closer and closer every day. Riley and Farkle were also getting closer, and they had turned into this annoying loving couple. Zay and Carly hadn't told their friends they were together yet, but they were going to go it today.

Zay and Carly walked into school, ready to tell their friends that they were a couple now. They say Lucas, Maya, Farkle and Riley at Maya's locker. The couple walked over to greet them.

Zay - Hey, guys. We have some exiting news to tell you.

Lucas - Not now, Zay.

That was when they noticed Maya's head buried in Lucas' chest, they could hear small crying noises coming from her.

Carly - What happened?

Farkle - Maya's grandmother just died last night.

Carly - Omg! Are you okay, Maya?

Maya - As fine as always.

Maya says, her head still buried in the cowboy's chest. Lucas holds his arms around his girlfriend a little tighter, kissing her temple. After a few minutes, Maya pull away from Lucas, to stand next to him. She wipes away a few tears from her eyes, and turns to look at her friends.

Maya - Let's talk about something else. Zay, you said you and Carly have some existing news.

Zay - Oh, yeah. Carly and I are dating.

Riley - OMG!?! Really?!? I'm so happy for you guys!!

She gives them both hugs.

Maya - I'm so happy for you guys. This really made my day like 30 % better.

Carly - Glad we could help.

Lucas - Congrats, man.

Zay - Thanks, man.

Farkle - I'm sure you guys are gonna be the cutest couple ever. Well, second cutest.

He gives Riley a peek on the cheek.

Riley - Awww, thank you, cutie. I love you so much.

Farkle - I love you more.

Maya - You are both making me puke.


They got to history class, were Mr. Matthews were looking at Maya with worry in her eyes.

Mr. Matthews - Maya, are you okay?

Maya - Yeah, I'm fine

Mr. Matthews - Okay then, let's start the lesson.

Maya couldn't concentrate on the lesson, cause she kept zooming out. It was 2 week until her birthday, and she know it wouldn't be the same. Her grandmother always got her the greatest gifts for her birthday. One year, she got one of her grandmother's old sketch book. She remembers looking though it in awe, wishing she was as good as her grandmother. She had started drawing a little in the book herself, cause her grandmother told her to. Maya always carried the book around in her backpack, cause it was so special to her. Then she found out the tragic news, she was so shocked. The first ting she did was going over to Lucas' place. He had let her cry on his shoulder, and been the sweetest boyfriend ever. She didn't know what she would do without him.

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