Chapter 2

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The picture above is Raiden's house

Finally out of harms way. I checked my rear mirror and saw no one.


I was now cruising in my ride and playing Downtown by Macklemore and singing along. Suddenly, five wolves emerged from the woods and I slammed my brakes but lost control of the steering wheel and swerved into the tree and bashed a tree.

"Should I wake her up?" The first voice asked.
"No I don't think so. She should wake up on her own about.." He paused "now".

"Yes alpha" a second voice said.


I tried raising my head but groaned in pain. Oww!

"I wouldn't do that if I were you. By the way, my name's Raiden". Mm so the owner of the first voice is Raiden. The name sent shivers down my spine but I ignored it.

I remembered how I got myself in this and fumed.

"How dare you and your stupid wolf friends do that to me!" I looked at my car and it was a wreck. My babyyyy. 
"Look what you did to my car!" I barked. He flinched at the tone I used but shook it off.

"We didn't tell you to lose control of your car" A brownish blonde boy with blue eyes retorted.

"And who the hell might you be?!" I gave him an icy glare and he flinched.

"I-I'm Brian. Raiden's be- I mean, friend". He smiled at me while sticking out his hand for me to shake but I just glared at it.

I finally stood up and walked towards my car to pull out my bag but froze when I saw my appearance on my car window.

I have a freaking big gash on my head!! Those jerks!

I brought out the first aid kit from my car and a compatible mirror that I always keep in my car. I started stitching it up and held the pain. Besides, this cannot be compared to what I've gone through.

I turned around to look at them and five of them had a horrified look on their faces. Five of them being Raiden, Brian and three others that I don't know their names yet.

"What? Never seen a girl stitch up her own wounds before?" I smirked. After three minutes of pure joy for me because of their face expressions and their horrified looks, I was done.

"Now if you'll excuse me, I'm leaving now". But before I could take the second step, my wrist was grabbed by someone. The contact sent tingles to where he touched and I looked up and saw Raiden smirking.

"You can't leave me anymore. I just found you and I'm not letting you go". He said sternly.

"Are you crazy or something?! Do I look like some fucking treasure?! You'll let me go now before I lose it!" I yelled at him. Anger was surging through me and I couldn't control it anymore.

"Don't you dare use that tone on me!" He scolded.

"Ohhh I'm so scared" I said sarcastically while putting a hand on my chest. I put my hand inside my jacket and he was wondering what I was searching for but when I brought my hand out and he saw my finger, his mouth dropped.

That's right! I gave him the middle finger.

I heard laughter from behind him and I marched to them and demanded who they were.

"I'm Jacob" he chuckled slightly amused by my character. He had brownish blonde hair too with forest green eyes.

"I'm Ryker" the first twin with glasses said and pointed to the other twin who looked more matured than him "and this is Ryan".

"C'mon. Let's go back home" Raiden said.

"Home? I don't have a home with you!". I'm just really tired and I need to go home but as soon as I said that, a look of hurt crossed his face. And I almost regretted what I said. Almost. He quickly composed himself.

"I don't care what you think. You are going with me now". He started dragging me to wherever his house is but I stopped him.

"At least let me get my bag". I pretended to sigh in defeat and he smirked at his 'little victory' and nodded as a yes.

I quickly took my bag from the ground and we started walking into the woods. They have no idea what's in my bag. I started laughing evilly in my head.


"Are we there yet?" I groaned out of frustration. We've been walking for 30 minutes now and we still haven't reached our destination yet.

"We are here now babe" Raiden said.

"Don't call me babe" I scowled. I looked at the building in front of me and was quite impressed. I mean I've seen better houses. My house is very big too but it's dark unlike this house. His house is well lit up and has this welcomey feeling to it unlike my house.

"You're not surprised?" Jacob asked in amusement. "Most people who have seen this house adore it".

"First of all, I'm not most people and secondly, I've seen better". I continued walking to the house and Raiden quickly opened the for me and took me to 'my room' as he called it.

"Princess, do you like your room?" He asked while smirking. If I could just wipe that smirk off his face now...

"It doesn't fit my standards and it's so small". A look of hurt flashed his face. What's his deal with getting hurt. I rolled my eyes at this.

"Oh. If you'll like, I could get you a bigger room" he suggested but I told him not to worry.

"So princess" he trailed while touching my hand and I felt the same tingles but ignored it. I snatched my hand from his and he smiled.

"You can't deny not feeling the tingles. You know you like it". He smirked.

"Whatever makes you sleep at night. Speaking of sleep, could you get out so I can have a good rest?". His face dropped and he said a goodnight and left my room.

I unpacked my bags and set my guns, knives, bombs, grappling hook, ropes, dark gun, gps tracker and my phone on my bed. I walked towards the window and assessed it but it was locked. I looked outside the window and saw four guards positioned where I was staying. I picked the lock and tied the ropes to the window. I repacked my bags and slung it over my shoulder. I climbed down through the rope and snuck up against the guards and darted them with my dart gun and they passed out.

I ran towards the woods and called Derek. Derek was my werewolf trainer who trained me for two years of my life. He's my only friend in the world and I trust him. I've never met his pack before and I'm not planning on doing so.

Derek said he was on his way and I waited on the side of the road for him. I saw his car headlights flash my direction and I ran towards him.

"What the hell Darshana! How did you end up in the Southpaw pack?!" He shouted at me. I really hate it when he shouts at me because it hurts.

Hey! I maybe an assassin but I have feelings too. Nah just joking with you guys.

"I'll explain later now hurry up before they realize I'm missing!" He slammed on his accelerator and drove towards my house.

Sigh. What a long day.

The next chapter will be in Raiden's POV. I'll be updating chapter 3 soon so keep posted. Thank you!⭐️

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