Chapter 13

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I was packing my bags and putting everything together, getting ready for my leave. I called up my guy to drop a car for me. The door opened and revealed Raiden looking at me confusedly.

"You are packing? For what?" He asked while squinting his eyes in confusion.

"One week is over. Remember?" I said slowly for him to process what I said.

"Oh." His face dropped and he looked very sad. "At least let me prepare breakfast for you before you leave." His eyes were pleading. Well I was hungry and I wasn't going to deny  breakfast.

"Sure. I'll be right down in twenty minutes. That will be enough for you to prepare breakfast right?" I asked and he nodded his head and ran downstairs. I don't get why Raiden is always excited and carefree.

Twenty minutes later, I came downstairs and smelled the delicious scent of bacon and sausages. I walked faster to the kitchen and saw him flipping pancakes and he was shirtless. The way his muscles flexed as he flipped those pancakes though. His perfectly toned body. He turned around and I got a perfect view of his mouth watering abs. If I could run my hands on his abs....I snapped out of my thoughts and he noticed I was staring at him.

"Like what you see?" He smirked and pushed a plate towards me.

"I've seen better." He growled at me and in a flash, he had me pinned to the wall with both of my hands above my head.

"You will NOT look at another man other than me!" He growled in such a possessiveness. I suddenly liked his possessive side and wanted to kiss him. I stared into his eyes and he stared back into mine. I suddenly realized the position we were in and I squirmed under his grip but he wouldn't budge.

"Get off me!" I yelled as I continued squirming under his grip trying to get out. He finally released me.

"I'm sorry. My wolf took over. As an alpha, I can get really possessive." He smiled sheepishly at me and I glared at him.

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes at him and continued eating my breakfast. "You cook really good." I commended and his face broke out into a huge smile.

"You can thank me for that, my way." He winked at me and I gagged at what he said. I put my plate in the sink and went back upstairs. I took my bag and headed for the door but was stopped by Raiden who pulled me into him and quickly kissed my cheek. I felt tingles at where he kissed and my heart fluttered with new emotions. I pushed him away and swabbed my cheek with the back of my hand.

"Why did you do that?" I shrieked and he chuckled. I know my cheeks were turning red so I quickly looked away. Raiden was giving me new feelings I never thought was possible for me to ever have. He was slowly breaking down my walls and I couldn't let him break down the walls I built up for years.

"Will I still see you?" He asked with hope in his eyes. Deep inside me, I wanted to stay with him forever but I have work to do. There is no space for love in my life.   

"Hopefully." I said as I walked out the door with my bags. I went further into the woods and followed a detour closer to where i directed my guy to drop off the car. I saw the car at the corner of the road. I drove off to the Agency to meet Bruce for my next mission.

I parked my car at the parking lot and received welcome greetings from the workers who also worked there. They greeted me because I was the top assassin they had so I had some respect. I took the elevator and walked to Bruce's office. I knocked and he ushered me to come in. I entered and the look I saw on his face wasn't good. I knew there was bad news.

"What's wrong?" I asked as I took a seat and waited for his answer.

"I don't know how you will take this." He said as he looked at me with pity.

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