Chapter 33

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Darshana's wolf.

Well I've been looking for who would play the role of Darshana's father but I haven't found any just imagine an older handsome man who is physically built and has white hair. And this chapter is dedicated to PlayingCupid_xoxo anyways, here is another chapter. ENJOY!

Darshana's POV.

"Again!" Dad yelled and I kicked the tree harder. He walked up to me and straightened my position with a little force. "Don't slouch! Straighten up your back and kick this damn tree!" I kicked the tree with as much force I could muster and tree fell down with a loud thud. I was panting and sweating.

"Good job baby." He clapped and kissed my head. "Now shift." I did as he said and I shifted into my wolf. I looked at him and he hadn't shifted.

"You're not shifting daddy?" I asked through the mind-link.

"No. I'm gonna fight you in my human form and you, in your wolf form." Mmm this is going to be easy. I circled my dad and growled at him and he took a fighting stance. I leapt on him but he dodged and I fell but quickly got up to my feet. I growled louder at him. I studied his next move and where to attack. I went for his left leg and bit on it hard. He winced in pain but I knew he would heal immediately. He pushed me off with great strength and I growled louder.

"What is wrong with you! Focus!" He barked at me and I growled. I jumped on him with full force and anger and bit him on the shoulder very hard. He let out a cry of pain and tried pushing me off but I used my whole weight to subdue him. I growled in his face and he raised up his hands in surrender. I gave him a wolfy grin and he patted my wolf head.

"That was very good. Now shift back." I shifted back into my human form.

" I'm going to correct somethings you did wrong and you will be very perfect but other than that, you were very very good. Well done baby." He said and kissed my head. The thing about training with my dad is that he doesn't take things easy with me. He wants me to be fully fit and strong before I face Demetrius. He knows I'd heal very fast that's why he doesn't have mercy or take things easy with me and I appreciate him for that. I hate it when people underestimate my potentials but my dad and Raiden don't do it and I'm very appreciative of it.

I decided to mind-link Raiden to come down here because I've only seen him this morning and now it's afternoon. I forgot to tell you that Raiden and I moved in the same room some weeks back and he's so freaking sweet. I love h-.

I just said the L word. I do love him so much but I don't know how to tell him that. It wasn't even up to a minute that I mind-linked him and he was here already. I ran up to him and jumped on him. I wrapped my legs around his waist and my hands around his neck. He stumbled back because he wasn't expecting me to hug him that way but he regained his balance. I don't know what came over me but I missed him so much and damn, this mate bond is getting stronger and stronger and I feel more attracted to him than ever. Raiden chuckled and kissed me on the lips with so much passion, hunger and lust. A cough broke us apart and he set me down on my feet. We turned to see my dad looking at us with folded arms. I smiled sheepishly at him.

"I don't remember telling you to invite him here." Dad said with a hint of amusement laced in his voice.

"Sorry dad but I just missed him so much." I blushed and snuggles closer into him. My dad shook his head with a smile dancing on his lips.

"I'll give you two some time alone before we continue training." I grinned at him and thanked him. Raiden and I walked to that lake I discovered when I just came to this place. The lake became our favorite spot because anytime we wanted to have some quiet time we came here. No one knows about here except Raiden and I. We sat in front of the lake and I rested my head on his shoulder and he held my waist. We sat in comfortable silence. I was contemplating whether to tell him I loved him or not.

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