Chapter 35

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Just to warn you, this chapter contains a little bit of mature content and if you don't like it, just skip to where you'll see ****

Dedicated to GracieTb

Darshana's POV.

I felt something tickling my face and I giggled. I felt it again.

"Stop that." I giggled again. I opened my eyes and saw Raiden using a brush to tickle my face. I saw a cup of water by my bedside and decided to use it on him. I concentrated on the water moving and saw it moving with my side eye. I downed it on him and he was soaked with water.

"Ugh! You!" He glared at me and jumped on me. He straddled me and had a mischievous look on his face.

"Raiden.." I drawled out and he smirked. The next thing I knew, he was sucking on my mark and I tried so much not to make a sound but failed. I moaned in pleasure and felt his canines extend into my mark and the pleasure intensified. Oh goddess! What this boy does to me! He kept sucking on my mark and I moaned louder and arched my back. He stopped to look at me with an evil look on his face, his extended canines dripping with my blood and black eyes filled with lust. Gosh! That is such a turn on. I'm very sure my eyes were darkened with lust too. I quickly switched our positions and was now straddling him. I had an evil smirk on my face. I removed his polo shirt and threw it to the floor and kissed him all over his body. I licked his abs because I've always wanted to do that. He groaned and I smirked. I licked down to his waistline and he looked up at me with wide eyes. I didn't know where the surge of confidence came from. I pulled down his jeans and he didn't even wear any boxers so it made my work a lot easier. I grabbed his member and stroked it gently. He groaned and I stroked it faster. I spat on it and stroked it. I put his member in my mouth and he moaned harder. I sucked on it slowly in a teasing way.

"Ugh. You are teasing me princess." He said in a husky voice. I chuckled and sucked on it faster while stroking him. I kept sucking and stroking his member till his voice stopped me.

"You might want to stop now if you don't want me to release in your mouth." As soon as he said that, I stopped. I can't swallow little kids. He laughed at my facial expression and I smacked his arm. I was about to stand up but he pulled me back to him and flipped us over. I was now under him and he smirked.

"Did you think I was gonna let you leave just like that?"

"Yes?" I said in a squeaky voice. He removed my top and threw it to the side of the room. I wasn't wearing a bra because I don't wear bras before going to bed. He took my right boob in his mouth and massaged the left boob. I moaned in pleasure as he licked around my nipple. He took the left in his mouth and massaged the right boob. He licked from my boob to my mark and sucked on it again. I couldn't stop moaning because the pleasure he was giving me was so much. He licked down to my navel and sucked on it. Don't get me wrong but that's another sweet spot for me. I moaned louder and arched my back. He slid off my panties and rubbed my core with his hand. I bit my lip to stop myself from moaning. He used his tongue to work his magic on my core while sliding in two fingers in me and pumping it very fast. Two words for it, pure bliss. I felt myself reach my climax and he stopped. I laid on the bed panting and I looked at him. He had this look of victory and pure ecstasy on his face and I chuckled.


I had my shower and put on a cute light blue summer dress and my signature black leather jacket. I never go anywhere without it. Raiden told me to wear a cute dress because he was taking me out on a date. I didn't know what to do with my hair so I just did a side fish braid and wore my gladiator sandals. I put my mascara and wore a nude lipstick. I grabbed my purse and phone and went downstairs to meet him. I didn't bother about breakfast because we were gonna grab some on our way out. I saw him sitting on the couch and he turned his head and saw me. He had the biggest smile on his face and I blushed. He was wearing a deep blue cardigan and a cream button up shirt underneath the cardigan. He paired it up with a dark washed jeans and some designer shoes. He looks sexy that's for sure.

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