Chapter 18

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I know the chapters haven't been really long and I'm sorry about that. I will try to make it longer. Key word: try. Anyways, ENJOY!

Darshana's POV.

I woke up and saw myself in Derek's house. I hadn't realized I slept there with them. I stood up from the bed and wondered how I got there and went to look for Derek. I found him in the hallway and stopped him.

"Hey Derek." I made sure to keep a good distance from him because of my morning breath which was quite awful if you ask me.

"Morning. Did you sleep well?" He asked.

"Not really." I looked down and Derek understood. He knew about my nightmares and how I couldn't sleep most of the nights. "Anyways, I was wondering if you had a spare toothbrush and an extra towel for me to use." I said to him.

"Yeah. Just go to the last left door, that was May's room before she moved in with me. Some of her clothes are still there and the extra things you need are in the bathroom." I said a quick thank you and rushed to the room. I entered the bathroom and checked the cabinet and saw new toothbrushes. I was done with showering and I tied a towel around me and went to the closet to pick out some clothes. I opened the closet and saw colorful dresses. I cringed at it because I've never worn a dress since I was 7 years old.

I rummaged through her closet and finally saw my kind of style. I put the black leather pants, black tank top and wore my leather jacket that I wore to come here and paired it up with my black boots. I took my keys and purse and headed downstairs. I was almost at the door till I was stopped by May's voice.

"Where do you think you are going missy?" She asked while pointing a spatula at me.

"Home?" I said in a duh tone. She gasped.

"Don't talk to me in that tone. You will come and eat your breakfast this instant." She said sternly. I wanted to argue back but Derek stopped me.

"If I were you, I would listen to the pregnant hormonal she-wolf." Derek said like he was scared and I sighed.

"Fine!" I went to the kitchen and ate breakfast.

Raiden's POV.

I couldn't sleep at all last night. I needed to hold Darsh. Ever since Brian found his mate and I accepted her into this pack, they have been all lovey lovey and the worst part is that they do it in front of me. It makes me jealous and makes me want Darsh so much. I had to act quick. She has to have a friend who she listens to. My thoughts were interrupted when Jacob came into my room.

"Alpha." Jacob said while bowing his head down.

"What is it?" I asked as I sat up on my bed. I continued thinking about Darsh and how much I wanted her by my side.

"....and that's what we would do." I snapped back to reality and realized I hadn't heard a word Jacob said.

"What did you say?" I asked him.

"It seems like something is bothering you." Jacob said.

"It's Darsh." I sighed. I didn't miss the look of jealousy that crossed his face. Does he like my mate or what. I'll kill him if he does.

"What about her?" He asked.

"I need her by my side. You are close to her in a way right?" I asked with hope because if he is, he could convince her to come.

"Not that close but I know someone who is very close to her." Jacob said and I got out of the bed with curiosity to find out who it was.

"Who?" I asked.

"Alpha Derek." Alpha Derek? How the hell does she know him. Wow she must have a lot of secrets.

"Okay. You may leave." He bowed his head and left. Luckily for me, Derek and I are allies. I called him up and told him I would be visiting his pack in a few hours. I took a quick shower and put on my clothes. I came downstairs and saw Brian and his mate, Winter making out on MY couch.

"Really? You left your room and came to MY house to make out on MY couch." My voice startled them and they broke out of their make out session. I shook my head and headed towards the Bluemix pack, Derek's pack. Hopefully, I'm going to get my mate. I shifted into my wolf and put my clothes between my teeth and ran off into the woods. I shifted back and wore my clothes. I walked towards his pack territory and four guards came out. They realized who I was and bowed their heads in respect. I walked towards his house and knocked on his front door. I knew my way around here because I've been here a couple of times.

A dark haired girl with big brown eyes opened the door. What caught my attention was the tiny bump that was visible through the tight dress she wore. I figured she must be Derek's mate.

"Hi. You must be Alpha Raiden." She said and ushered me in.

"Just call me Raiden." I said as I entered the house.

"He is waiting for you in his office." She said and I went to his office to meet with him. I opened the door and stepped in.

"Derek." I acknowledged him and took a seat.

"Raiden." He said and leaned into his chair. "How may I help you?" He asked. 

"I need you to help me with Darsh. I'm sure you know I'm her mate and I know you guys are very good friends. She looks at you like a brother so please help me convince her to come live with me. I need her in my life. I feel so empty without her. You know how the bond is for Alphas. My wolf is calling to her. We need her, please talk to her for me." I begged with all honesty.

"I will honestly try my best to convince her for you." Derek assured me. Somehow, I believed him and hoped he would do something to help me.

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