Chapter 34

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This hottie is gonna play Darshana's father. Manu Bennett as King Asher.

Do you guys love me? Because I love me and me loves you too. Yeah you, I love youuuu. Anyways, here is another chapter for you guys booboo. Enjoy lovelies.

Darshana's POV.

Raiden told me about my outburst yesterday with my father. It wasn't my fault though, he was entering my head and reminding me of my past and that was very uncalled for but it helped me unlock my powers and I'm very thankful for that. I went to the guest room and opened the door to find my dad laying on his bed shirtless. I gotta admit it, my dad is hot for his age and he is a very fine man. I laid by his side and wrapped my arm around his torso. He wrapped his arm around my torso and we cuddled together.

"Thank you daddy."

"For what baby?"

"For helping me discover one of my powers although I don't know what it's called but thank you." I said and snuggled closer to him.

"No need to thank me. I should be the one saying sorry after creeping into your mind like that. I am sorry baby." He said and kissed my head.

"It's okay dad. I'm glad you did it. So what's my power called?" I asked him with excitement.

"You are an elemental. A rare one to be precise. We haven't had a rare elemental in ages." He said and sat up. I sat up from the bed and waited for him to explain more to me. "When rare elementals use their powers, their eyes turn white and their voices sound inhuman." Wow that is actually cool.

"That's cool dad. So are we gonna train today?" To be honest, I was anticipating the training today like I wanted to discover more of my powers. My dad saw the excitement on my face and nodded. I squealed in excitement and ran to my room to change. I barged in and saw Raiden naked and water dripping from his body. I couldn't stop staring because damn, he looked so delicious. I'm very sure my eyes were black were lust. I ran to him with inhuman speed and pushed him to the bed. I straddled him and kissed him all over his face. I looked him in the eyes and his eyes were black with lust too. I smashed my lips on his and our tongues fought for dominance. He won of course and our tongues were moving in sync. I bit his lip and he moaned. He sucked on my mark and I moaned in pleasure. I felt my canines elongate and I sunk my teeth into the crook of his neck and marked him as mine. He moaned and I licked the blood off. The make out was intensifying and I felt his member harden up against my core. I was horny above 100% and I had to stop this before things got out of hand.

"Raiden." He didn't listen. He kept kissing me and I was enjoying it so much. I didn't want to stop but I had to stop.

"Raiden, we have to stop."

"Mmm." He kept sucking on my mark and I moaned in pleasure.

"Raiden I have training with my dad."

"Ugh! But this is not over." He said in a husky voice and damn, that was so sexy. I got up from him and removed my clothes and was only in my undies. I swayed my hips deliberately and I heard Raiden groan.

"Princess stop that or I'll take you right here." He said huskily. I walked to him and kissed him square on the lips and he chuckled. I turned and he smacked my butt and I giggled. I put on my training gear and went out to meet my dad in the same place where we train.

"What took you so lon-, oh." He said in realization because I smell like Raiden right now.

"Sorry daddy." I said while blushing.

"It's alright. Now let's begin with training your powers." He said and I grinned. We didn't exactly start of with training my powers. We started with physical training and I finally won my dad. He was quite impressed with me and how I improved with my fighting skills. I had a lot of motivation from yesterday's training.

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