Chapter 32

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Darshana's white hair (although it's not so white but it's all I could find)

This chapter is dedicated to 0301Audrey for her awesome comment. She gave me a lot of motivation to write this chapter. ENJOY!⭐️

Darshana's POV.

Dad kept his words about training. The training started at exactly 6am and I'm so exhausted. I didn't even get enough sleep because of Raiden who kept me up all night. Don't let your mind go to the gutter though, we were just talking and laughing and kind of, maybe, probably making out. Don't judge please, my hormones were going crazy but as a legend, I controlled it.

"Daadddd." I whined.

"What is it baby?" Dad asked as we engulfed each other in a hug.

"It's too early daddy and I wanna go back to bed with Raiden." He released me from the hug and looked at me. "Don't you see the war approaching? You are meant to take your training very seriously Darshana. No play." He said strictly. Whenever dad calls me by my full name, he means business.

"Okay so where do we start from? I can fight in my human form because I have enough training from what I was before." I shrugged. I looked at him and his face was mixed with sadness and regret.

"Can you tell me what you went through?" He asked lowly. I knew what he was referring to, although my experience doesn't hurt me anymore. It motivates me to be a better and stronger person. After I told him everything, he cried because he wasn't there for me and couldn't save me.

"I'm sorry baby. I'm so sorry I couldn't do anything to save you." Dad sobbed and fell on his knees. I walked to him and held him tight and stroked his hair.

"It's not your fault daddy. Besides, I'm happy for my experience. It motivates me to be a better and stronger person. I grew into an independent young woman and it's all because of my experience. Life has its way of preparing us for things. It prepared me for this battle I'm going to face." He sniffed and I kissed his cheek. "I love you daddy."

"You are right baby and I love you so much. I promise not to ever leave you." He hugged me and I kissed his tears away.

"Come on big baby. Let's train." We both laughed and stood on our feet. We trained physically and I was losing. What's wrong with me! I'm a wolf now so my strength is supposed to be doubled!

"Stand up!" Dad said after he pinned me on the ground. I was getting frustrated because I've tried all my moves on him but they were all in vain. I wonder how strong he is.

"Don't forget he was king before Demetrius took over." Hope, my wolf said. She's right.

"I'm always right." She replied in a sassy way. My wolf is sassy and sarcastic. She suits my attitude which is why I love her so much.

"Snap out of your little bubble! Stop conversing with your wolf and focus!" Dad growled at me. How did he know I was talking to my wolf.

"Because I have a gift just like you do. All royals have their special gift and you are yet to discover your gift."

"Wow, I never knew that."

"Because no one told you." He said in a duh tone.

"What's your gift?"

"I can read and creep into people's minds, like I can make them see what I want them to see or show them a glimpse of their past memories." Dad said with pride.

"Wow that's cool. I wonder what mine would be." I said in a thoughtful way. We continued training and I finally beat him in a round.

"Yes! I beat y-" I didn't get to finish my sentence because I landed on the floor with my butt. I realized my dad did a spinning kick to the back of my legs which landed me to the floor with my butt. I rubbed my sore butt and smelled Raiden coming from a distance. Excitement rushed through me but he wasn't alone. He was with Jacob, Winter and the twins. I figured Brian was training the pack that's why he wasn't here.

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