Chapter 3

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The picture above is Raiden. Isn't he a hottie😍

Raiden's POV

When I entered her room to check on her, I didn't see anyone and I looked at the window and it was open. I panicked and rushed outside to question the guards.

"Where is she?!" I bursted through the door.

They kept silent. Anger was surging through my veins.

"I swear if I don't get an answer, I'll kill all of you." I know my eyes were turning black now but I didn't care. My wolf was pushing through but I didn't let it.

"Alpha, s-she e-escaped. W-we d-d-don't know w-what happened" the first guard stuttered in fear. Good thing he's afraid.

"How did she escape with four guards on her watch." My voice was calm and deadly.

"She was too fast alpha. She darted us and we blacked out. Besides, I don't know why you're interested in a human" the third guard rolled his eyes at me.

Such disrespect! I used my wolf speed to run up to him and snapped his neck. I turned to the remaining three who were trembling in fear.

"She is my mate and if I don't find her, I'll kill you three". I walked away and headed towards my office in the pack house.

"Brian! Jacob! Meeting in my office now". I said through the mind-link.

"Yes alpha". They both said.


"Raiden, what's up?". Brian said while rubbing his sleepy eyes.

"Yeah man. You woke us up in the middle of the night". Jacob said.

"My mate escaped with four guards on her watch!" I started pacing round the room. "And the worst part is that I don't even know her name!".

"Raiden, we all know she's some undercover CIA kinda person. Why else would she be in that building with all those weapon". Jacob said with amusement in his voice.

"That's why I want to find her. What if she dies in one of her missions. It could be very dangerous for her". I sighed.

"Don't worry Raiden. We will find her together. She's our mate and we need her". My wolf, Alex, said.

"I'm just scared for her". I said.

"I'm here for you Raiden. Now go search for scents". Alex said.

Scents! Why didn't I think of that!

"Let's go search for her scent now before it fades completely". We ran towards the woods.

"Raiden! I got something" Brian said. "It's heading north".

"But I smell another wolf". Jacob said. I took a quick whiff of the air and smelled her alright but another wolf?

"There's no rogue scent so the wolf must belong to a pack" I said. "I'm going to follow the scent and I don't care wherever it takes me to". I said with finality in my voice.

"We will come with you". Brian said.

"No. You will stay here and watch over the pack in case anything happens". I said in my alpha voice because if I didn't, they would have insisted.

So I shifted and ran after the scents.

Darshana's POV

We arrived at my house and entered the kitchen to have a drink.

"So do you mind telling me what happened back there?". Derek said. Aw man! I thought he forgot about it.

"Bruce sent me on a mission to take out some drug people but guess what". I paused for his reply.

"What?" He said but I kept quiet. I could see the anticipation in his eyes.

"They were werewolves!" Derek's eyes widened.

"Werewolves? Did Bruce know about it? I hope you used the tactics I thought you on how to kill wolves. They couldn't have belonged to a pack. No it's not possible. I think they were rogues! Omg! Darshana are you okay? Did they hurt you? Tell me so I'll kill them" his eyes turned black. That only happens when he's very angry.

"No no they didn't hurt me and yes, I used the tactics you thought me" I paused and he waved his hand for me to continue. "But a group of werewolves came though and they killed the rest of them but I didn't trust them so I ran away and they found me but my car is a wreck now." He cut me off.

"Your car is a wreck? How?" He questioned.

"Yes. They jumped out of no where and I had an accident and had this huge gash on my head but I'm okay now. Then I met a guy called Raiden and four others called Brian, Jacob, Ryker and Ryan. Raiden was acting all weird and was talking about tingles. Although I did feel some of those tingles but I just ignored them because they couldn't have meant anything". I opened the fridge and took a glass cup and poured orange juice in it and I did the same for the other glass cup and handed it over to Derek and he took it.

"Tingles...." He trailed off. "Darshana dear, there are some things about werewolves that I didn't tell you" He looked down at his feet and I motioned my hand for him to continue.

"Werewolves originally belong to packs. Those packs are headed by alphas, who is like the head of all the wolves in his pack then the beta, who is the second in command to the alpha then the delta, who is the third in command to the alpha.

Then we have the rogues who are either banished from the pack by the alpha or they leave on their own because they don't want to listen to rules or something terrible happened to them.

I am the Alpha of my pack. That night when I found you in the woods, I was doing my night patrols then I saw you and you told me everything that happened to you, I had pity for you and I took you in. Then there are mates.

Mates are like your second half. They're your soul mates and you cannot live without them. When you both meet, it's like the world comes to a halt. It's the best feeling in the world. When you touch, you feel tingles and shocks where you made contact". He looked at me when he was done. Wow. I couldn't digest all of this informations at once.

"So do you have a mate?" As soon as I asked that, his eyes lit up and he nodded a quick yes.

"Will I be able to meet her one day?". Although I didn't really care for all this but I had to meet his mate. Derek is like family to me and we would do anything for each other.

"Yes Darsh. Any day you are free just tell me and I'll pick you up". I nodded and walked to the living room with Derek trailing behind me.

"So what are you gonna do now that you know Raiden is your mate?". What the hell was I supposed to do?

There's no way in hell I can have a mate. Never.

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