Chapter 10

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The story is kinda getting interestingggg! I really like where I'm going with this book. I have so many ideas. Well, here is chapter 10 for you. Enjoy!⭐️.

Darshana's POV

I woke up and found myself on my bed. I remember sleeping near the lake and opening my eyes and seeing....Raiden! I shot up from the bed quickly and looked down to see if he changed my clothes. Phew! I still had my clothes on. I took a quick shower and put on a black tank top and shorts. The time was 7:30am and I was hungry.

Knock knock.

"Who is it?" I shouted to the person behind the door.

"It's Ryan!" Ryan....where have I heard that name...oh! One of the twins!

"Come in." He opened the door and came in with a tray of food. Just at the right time.

"Thank you." I said as I took the tray from him and set it on my bed. "So, who told you to give me food?" I asked.

"Alpha Raiden. It's been long since we've seen each other though." He said as he took a chair from the desk at the corner of my room.

"Yeah. Very long. How is Ryker? Haven't seen him in a long time." I said as I took a bite from my food.

"He has been with his mate. I found mine recently." He blushed.

"Oh that's very nice. I'm happy for you two and send my regards to Ryker." I said and he nodded his head and left my room. As soon as he left my room, Raiden entered.

"Morning princess." He said as he sat on my bed.

"I didn't tell you to sit" I didn't even look his way and kept eating my food.

"I know but it's my house and I can sit wherever I want to." He smirked and poked my arm. I felt tingles go up the place he touched. I snatched my arm from him and glared at him. I was done with my breakfast now.

"You coming for training today?" He asked as he touched my arm again and I felt the same tingles on my arm and snatched it from him. He chuckled and I glared at him.

"Yes but I'm not trai-" I didn't get to complete my sentence because my phone went off. I looked at Raiden silently sending him a message to leave. He got the message, picked up the tray Ryan brought for me, stood up and left my room.

I looked at the caller ID and it was private. I knew who was calling immediately.

"Hello Bruce. What's the status?" I said because I knew anytime Bruce calls, it's always about a mission.

"There's been a report on a man called Dwayne Bright. We have collected information on him that he has been transporting illegal goods in containers and shipping them to different countries. He will be at the docks at 7pm today. Find him and stop that container. Goodluck agent Cameron." Bruce hung up the phone and I put my phone in my back pocket.

Maybe I'm gonna train with Raiden to get myself ready.

Why not Jacob or Brian.

Why not Raiden. He's the best.

Mmm someone's catching feelings.

Shut up! I can never have feelings for Raiden or anyone!

Rigghhttt. Come on. Let's go train with Raidennnn.

Ugh! Now I'm arguing with myself. I decided I was not going to train with Raiden but with myself. I went to the gym and trained so hard because lately, I've been slacking with my workouts and trainings. I trained with my guns and knives. I looked at my watch and it was 5pm. I decided to give my guy a call.

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