Chapter 38

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Hello lovelies....I can't believe the progress I've made so far. Chapter 38 already. It's so sad that this book would soon come to an end but not yet. You are in for more. ENJOY!

Darshana's POV.

Winter washed and dressed Evelyn up and brought her to the living room where we all were. Jacob was trying to go to his mate but Brian held him down because we don't fully trust her.

"Why the hell are your eyes silver?" I asked her sharply.

"Watch how you talk to my mate!" Jacob growled at me.

"Watch how you talk to your Luna and Queen!" Raiden growled at him and he kept quiet.

"Like I said Evelyn, why are your eyes silver and how do you and my dad know each other?" I folded my arms. My dad cleared his throat and was about to speak up but Evelyn beat him to it.

"Don't worry uncle Asher, I'll-" I cut her off sharply, "Uncle Asher?!" I barked.

"Please I want you all to keep quiet as I explain." Evelyn whispered. I saw Jacob struggling to go over to his mate so I told Brian to let him go and he ran over to her and hugged her. She giggled and hugged him tightly while tears streamed down her eyes.

"20 years ago, my father had a one night stand with one of the maids living in the castle. She got pregnant with me and my father couldn't reject her because she was carrying me. She gave birth to me and my father killed her and took me with him. He never treated me like a daughter. Uncle Asher was the only thing I had close to a father. When I heard that he and his family had died, I was so devastated. I lost hope. My father took over the throne and turned me to his slave. I was treated like dirt and I'm so happy you guys found me." Evelyn sniffled on jacob's shoulder.

"It's okay Evelyn. We are here for you." Raiden said. I know who her father is but I just want a confirmation.

"Who is your father?"

"Demetrius." The room fell silent as she said that. I growled dangerously. I ran to her with inhuman speed and pinned her to the wall. She was coughing and struggling with my grip on her neck.

"How do I know you're not working for him?!" I tightened my grip on her neck.

"What the hell Darsh?! Let her go!" Jacob yelled but I only tightened my grip on her.

"Go save her Jacob!" I heard Winter's panicked voice.

"I can't! She has her shield on." Jacob growled.

"Are you working with Demetrius?!" I barked at Evelyn.

"N-no." She said as she struggled with breath.

"You're lying!" I roared loudly and the house shook. "I should be killing any of Demetrius' direct descendants." I growled lowly.

"I h-hate h-him j-j-just l-like y-you do." As soon as she said that, I loosened my grip on her neck.

"How do I know you are not lying?" I asked suspiciously.

"If I was lying, would I be willing to tell you everything you need to know to kill him? I crave revenge on Demetrius." She snarled and I smirked.

"Good." I said smugly. I felt an arm around my waist and I looked up to see Raiden smiling proudly at me.

"Raiden, call for a meeting with the pack. I need to speak with them."

"Okay." I saw his eyes blank out and I realized he was calling for the meeting. We all headed out to the pack grounds and I saw the whole pack gathered. Raiden and I walked to the stage and I picked up the microphone. As soon as we arrived to the stage, everyone bowed to us.

"Please arise. I have some important things to discuss with you." They all rose and looked at me with adoration and focus. "We all have heard of Demetrius and his army of rogues. Last night, Asher, Jacob, Raiden and I went on a mission to the palace-" I heard a series of gasps, "We gathered some necessary informations but on returning home, Jacob found his mate." They all clapped and cheered, "But his mate is the daughter of Demetrius who turned her into a slave. I came here to ask you all if you'll join us to win this war against Demetrius and his army of rogues. Do I have your allegiance?"

"Yes my queen." They all chorused and bowed down.

"Thank you." I said and left the stage. Evelyn came up to me and hugged me. "Why are you hugging me?" I asked rudely.

"I'm just so happy I found you guys." She said excitedly. I gave her a lopsided grin and she laughed. I'm still not comfortable with her so don't judge me.

"Yay me too." I said sarcastically and left her. I saw Raiden talking with a few pack members and I walked up to him.

"Hey Raiden, can I talk to you?" He excused himself and followed me.

"What's up?"

"It's about Evelyn." He sighed

"What about her now? You still don't trust her?" He asked.

"Yes and I can't help it. She is his daughter after all. What if she's working for him?" I asked worriedly.

"Okay so what would make you trust her?"

"We will put her to a test." I smirked.

"So what's your plan?" Raiden asked and I kept smirking.


"This is how we are gonna go about this war. Jacob, Brian and the pack will take north where the rogues are, Raiden and I will be in the center of the fight and Derek and his pack will handle the rest of the rogues." Dad said.

"And I will kill Demetrius." I snarled.

"How are you planning on killing him?" Evelyn asked in a low voice.

"Oh that's very easy, I'll have begging for mercy while I tear him up limb by limb, pieces by pieces." I growled lowly. I looked at Evelyn and she had a look of discomfort. "What? You're not happy on how I'm gonna kill your daddy?" I mocked.

"Darshana!" Dad scolded and I ignored him.

"Or you want to kill him yourself?" She looked away in contemplation. "Oh yes! It would be better if you kill daddy dearest." I faked a smile. I heard someone chuckle and I looked and saw Raiden. 

"You're supporting her behaviour?!" Brian yelled.

"Well yeah, she's my wife." Raiden smirked and I walked over to him and kissed him. He laughed and I giggled. I sat on his laps.

"So are you gonna kill him or do you still love your daddy because when I get a hold of him, he's gonna pay for killing my mother and holding me captive for years!" I barked in rage. I felt my eyes darken and fangs elongate. Raiden rubbed my hands in a soothing manner.

"You know what Darsh, save your anger for Demetrius because you're gonna need it to finish him off." She smirked. "You don't understand how much I hate him. You think I'm with him right? You think I'm gonna turn my back on you guys and my mate? I will never side with that man. He killed my mother and he left me to rot away like a slave. I have no place for forgiveness in my heart for Demetrius and I want him dead." She said with so much anger and sorrow in her voice and I clapped for her.

"Well done!" I grinned, "You've passed the test." Raiden and I laughed because of the looks on their faces.

"Test?" They all questioned.

"Yes. Raiden and I decided to test her to see if she would go against us and side with her father but she has proven allegiance with us and I'm happy for that." Evelyn gaped at me.

"My queen and I will be leaving now." Raiden said and carried me up bridal style and I squealed. We went back to our room and he locked the door. He had an evil smirk on his face and I knew what that meant.

Let's just say this night was a night to remember forever.

Hey guys! Evelyn isn't Darshana's sister but her cousin! The daughter of Demetrius! I'm sure no one expected that.

Anyways, please don't forget to vote and comment your thoughts on this chapter. Thank you!

I know there are errors and I promise to edit it later.

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