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Surprise bitches! Just joking😃 you guys deserve an epilogue for being wonderful readers so enjoy!

Darshana's POV

It's been two years after everything that has happened. The dramas, the fights, the up and downs, the coronation and now everything is going well. Better than I had ever imagined. After our marriage and coronation, we spent a year trying to get the whole werewolf kingdom in place. It wasn't an easy job but it was worth it at the end. Everyone is happy with the new rules Raiden and I implemented but the best part of everything are my babies.
That's right, my babies. A year later, I got pregnant with twins, boy and girl. They're my source of happiness and joy except Raiden though but you understand.

I felt someone tug at my leg in the kitchen and I looked down to see my little munchkin, Adrianna

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I felt someone tug at my leg in the kitchen and I looked down to see my little munchkin, Adrianna. I wiped my hands and picked her up from the floor. "Boo boo." I rubbed my nose against hers and she giggled. She really loves it when I do that to her. I heard Raiden yell from upstairs then his voice kept getting closer meaning he was coming downstairs.

"Babe, come get your child off me." He literally ran down the stairs and shoved Adrian in my arms and he just giggled and crawled back into Raiden's arms.

"Awww." I cooed and kissed Adrian's cheek. "He's just like you Raiden so deal with your son." Raiden grumbled and kissed Adrianna's cheek who was now fast asleep in my arms. I set her down in the crib we always keep in the living room. My twins are 8 months old. I took Adrian from Raiden and he kept going back into his father's arms. I finally took him away from Raiden and he started crying.

"Raiden, you'll take care of this baby and play with him now." I demanded and he laughed. "Whatever you say mama bear." He then threw Adrian up in the air and caught him. Adrian giggled and kissed him on the lips. I laughed at that because it was cute. I heard the front door bell go off and I went to get it. I opened the door and was surprised to who I saw.

"Derek!" I jumped on him and hugged him so tight. I turned to May and hugged her tightly too. "May." I breathed out. Then I saw my cute Tommy step out from his hiding place. Immediately he saw me, he screamed and jumped on me.

"Aunt Darshy!" I picked him up from the ground and spun him around. "How are you doing Tommy?" I led them into the house.

"I fine." He said with few English words he knew how to speak.

"That's good love." I saw Raiden come out of the kitchen with Adrian in his arms and he was giving Adrian a juice box.

"Raiden! That's not right." I scolded.

"My boy has to be strong enough. He needs to eat because he's the future heir to the throne." I heard Derek and May laugh at what Raiden said.

I turned to them. "It's not funny." I said with my straightest face and their laughters died down. "Good." I took Adrian from him and set him down in the other crib we had in the living room. Adrian doesn't need any sort of petting to fall asleep. Just lay him there and he will fall asleep. He has a bright future ahead of him and I know he will lead the people like his parents have.

"Finally, the children are asleep. Let's catch up." Raiden said. I remembered Tommy and asked, "Where's Tommy?" As soon as I asked that, I saw Tommy running inside the house and breathing heavily. May quickly rushed to his side to calm him down.

"What happened?" Derek asked him. I just realized how much Tommy looks like Derek. Exact same features with his dad.

"I saw something outside." Tommy said gently with fear all over him while his mother tried to comfort him.

"No that's not possible." Raiden said. "This place is heavily protected. Nothing can come through so calm down son."

"Are you sure we shouldn't at least check it out?" I asked and they all shook their heads.

"I'm pretty sure it's nothing." Derek said to me. He turned his attention back to Tommy. "Go to bed." Tommy nodded and went to lay on the couch. We all went to the kitchen to have some wine. We poured the wine in our wine glasses and brought out some cookies. I sipped my wine as I was eating the cookies and looking at window. I saw something move.

"I saw something." I said with all seriousness.

"Where?" Raiden asked me.

"Outside that window." I pointed at the window I was staring at.

"Oh c'mon. It's nothing Darsh." May said. I didn't listen to them because I went to the window to check it out. I opened it and stuck my head out. I used my heightened vision to survey the area and didn't find anything or anyone. At least that calmed me down a little. I was about to close the window then I heard the sound of a twig breaking and felt someone creeping behind me. I stayed calm and as soon as I felt it closer to my back, I turned around and grabbed the things neck. As soon as I saw the thing's face, I screamed in terror and removed it's head from its body. Raiden rushed to my side and looked at the thing with horror on his face.

"T-tommy w-was r-right." I stuttered out of fear. We all stared at the creepy thing that was laying dead on the floor. I quickly closed the windows and activated the security lock. Raiden ordered the castle to be put on lockdown till dawn.

"What could this be?" I thought aloud.

"There's only one person who could create such a demon." Derek said.

"Who?" We all asked.


The End.

How did you guys find this book? I hope you guys really loved it because I loved the book too. If you have any questions you want me to answer about the book and the characters, just type in your questions in the comment and I will answer it.

Have a happy life people!💕

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