Chapter 27

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Picture above is Darshana.

Darshana's POV

I woke up with the best feeling ever. I was finally back with Raiden but we were yet to confess our feelings to each other. I stretched and got up from the bed and had a quick shower. I wore a hoodie and sweatpants and went downstairs to get breakfast. I was walking down the staircase and I smelled the delicious smell of bacon. I literally ran downstairs and saw Raiden making breakfast with a vibrant happy mood radiating all over him. I smiled and took a seat in the kitchen. He turned around and smiled at me. He placed my table in front of me.

"Morning princess." He kissed my forehead and I blushed. I no longer have to hide my feelings for him anymore. I could now blush in front of him without feeling the need to shield myself from the feelings.

"Morning." I took a sip of my coffee. Raiden and I discussed as we ate our breakfast together. I was really enjoying this things that I was feeling. I finally don't have to protect myself anymore. I am finally free to be myself. We washed the dishes and Raiden carried me up and I squealed because I was so high off the ground.

"Put me down!" I squealed and hit his back and he placed me on the kitchen island. He stayed in between my legs and I wrapped my legs around him. He looked into my eyes and I was lost in his green orbs. I really like this boy so much.

"Princess." He breathed and placed his forehead on mine. "I'm so sorry."

"You don't have to keep apologizing. It's also my fault for not letting you in. You were obviously frustrated. So I don't blame you." I said honestly. His eyes were sparkling with so much excitement.

"I'm so happy you came back to me. Why didn't you want to see me?" He asked with a hint of sadness laced in his voice.

"Because I was consumed by my anger. I felt betrayed that you joined them to insult me. I couldn't get over it. I cried so much." I whispered the last part. He hugged me tightly then looked into my eyes.

"I'm sorry for ever making you cry. I'm sorry for everything I did to you. I love you." He said with so much emotion.

Oh my god. He just said the L word. I like him but I don't think I'm ready for love. What will I do now. I can't just leave him hanging. Am I ready for love? I will be but I'm not ready now.

"It's okay if you don't feel the same now." He must have said that because he obviously noticed my facial expression.

"I really like you Raiden but I'm not ready for love. I know I'll love you soon but not now." I said to him honestly. Raiden grinned at me and was leaning into me. I think he is about to kiss me. Oh my god! I've never kissed a boy before. What if I don't do it right. He was about an inch away from me but I was saved by the door bell! I hopped out of the kitchen island and ran to the door. I heard Raiden chuckle from behind me and I felt an arm snake around my waist. How did he get here so fast. I opened the door and saw Winter.

"Winny!" I squealed and engulfed her in a hug. She hugged back and we released each other.

"Winny?" She questioned while smiling widely.

"Princess here decided to get rid of her tough exterior and be her normal self. I love it." Raiden said and kissed my head. I blushed and Winter noticed it.

"You blushed for Raiden!" She squealed and I blushed harder. I saw Brian stand beside Winter with a sad face. Honestly, I'm not angry with him anymore. I decided to hug him. He stiffened then hugged me back.

"You forgive me?" Brian asked with hope.

"Yes I do." I smiled at him and he grinned. We all entered inside and decided to do something interesting.

"Wanna watch a movie?" Winter asked and we said yes.

"I'll pick the movie." I had a movie on my mind and it is my favorite movie of all time. I ran upstairs to my room to get the CD and ran back downstairs. They watched me with curiosity as I inserted the CD.

"The movie is called Southpaw you know, as in your pack is called Southpaw." They all bursted in laughter.

"I didn't know you had a sense of humor." Raiden chuckled and I giggled. I leaned into him and we watched the movie. I heard sniffles and I turned around to see Winter crying. I looked at Brian and Raiden and they had tears in their eyes. I don't blame them. The movie is very sad but it's worth it.

"Are you crying?" I whispered into Raiden's ear.

"No. There's dust in my eyes that's all." He whispered back. The movie was over now and we were just talking about random things.

"Ugh! I need a haircut." Winter exclaimed and the boys agreed with her. Her hair was reaching below her waist and it needed a lot of trimming.

"That reminds me, Winter, I need you to take Darsh out and get her a dress for the Luna ceremony." Raiden said and Winter cheered so did Brian.

He didn't tell me anything about the Luna ceremony.

"Luna ceremony? We never discussed this Raiden and mostly, I can't wear a dress." I can't wear a dress because they would mostly show the scars on my body though. It's not that I'm conscious of it or anything. I'm proud of it because it shows I'm a fighter but it's just that they are quite ugly.

"Uh excuse me." He said to Brian and Winter then turned to me "Can I talk to you please?" He asked. I nodded then followed him into the the kitchen.

"Why didn't you tell me about the ceremony?" I asked and he chuckled nervously.

"I thought you'd agree to it if I said it without notice." He scratched the back of his neck.

"You gotta ask me first." I said to him while folding my arms. I know the Luna ceremony is very important in every pack.

"Please Darsh. Can I do the ceremony for you? It's really important to me." He pleaded.

"Only because you asked nicely." He picked me up and spun me in the air and I giggled.

"I guess we should start then." I was startled by Brian's voice because I wasn't expecting him to be here.

"Yes. Set the ceremony up for tomorrow." Raiden said and Brian nodded. After some hours, Brian and Winter left but she promised to come by tomorrow to take me shopping. I was really nervous of meeting four hundred people. I didn't know if I was suitable enough to be their Luna.

"Stop overthinking it. They are gonna love you and everything about you." Raiden said assuringly. I hope so. Apparently, we spent the whole day with Brian and Winter and it was nighttime already.

"Let's go to sleep." Raiden said and we went upstairs. I didn't know if I should sleep with him or sleep alone.

"Can I sleep with you tonight?" I asked shyly. His eyes instantly lit up and he literally carried me and slung me over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes and ran into his room. I laughed as he placed me on the bed.

"You are so excited." I laughed.

"Of course! We are making progress that's why I'm happy." He looked at me with adoring eyes and I blushed. He changed into a more comfortable cloth and I wore his T-shirt and still had my sweatpants on.

"Goodnight." I said as I snuggled closer to him.

"Goodnight princess. I love you." That was the last thing I heard before sleep overtook me.

Yaaayyy! I really love this chapter so much. I'm feeling the chemistry between them right now *wink wink*. Anyways don't forget to vote and comment please. Thank you!!

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