Chapter 40

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MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!🎄🎄 This is my Christmas gift to y'all and I hope you enjoy it.

Darshana's POV.

I looked around me and dead bodies were everywhere. It seems like Demetrius' rogues have increased from the last time I went there. I saw Brian fighting off some rogue in his wolf form. I can identify each and every wolf in my pack even if they're in their wolf forms.

"Brian! Are the children safe?" I asked worriedly through the mind-link.

"Yes they are. They are with the women." I nodded my head and glanced and Raiden. He held my hand.

"We will make it through this. I promise." He assured me. I smiled sadly and looked at my dad. He had a look of sorrow on his face like something bad was gonna happen. I shook away the thoughts and ran to the battle ground. I can't use my powers in wolf form so I have to stay this way and fight. I ran to one of the rogues and lifted him up and slammed him on the floor. I stretched out my hand and burnt him to ashes. I saw a few more coming towards me by my sides. I waited for them to get closer and I used my air power to fly high in the sky and allowed them to bump into each other. I created a whirlwind and it threw them fifty meters away. I smiled at that but my smile turned into a frown when I saw them coming towards me again, baring their disgusting teeth at me. I stretched out both my hands and unleashed a raging fire on them and they burnt to ashes. Now that's taken care of.

I heard a cry of pain and I looked for the source of the voice and saw a teenage boy being bitten on the hind leg by one of the wolves. I ran to him and he looked at me with pain in his wolf eyes. I used my air power to throw that rogue away.

"You okay?" I asked through the mind-link as I healed his leg.

"Yeah. Thank y- behind you!" He screamed in the link but I reacted too late because I was thrown against a tree with full force. My head hit the tree bark and I'm very sure it was bleeding.

"How dare this bastard throw us against the wall?!" My wolf barked in anger.

"Show him what we got! I want his blood." She said in low deadly tone. I smirked and walked towards the rogue. It leapt in the air and was about to attack me but I jumped up and slammed it down to the ground with full force. I brought out my claws and slit his throat open not enough for him to die on the spot but enough to make him bleed. I wanted to see the crimson color of his blood because my wolf enjoyed it. I saw the pain and suffering in his eyes. I shook my head and struck my hand in his chest and brought out his heart while looking him dead in the eyes. I crushed his heart and blood spluttered all over the grass. I was caught off guard when two rogues pounced on me, baring their teeth in my face. I tried fighting them off but one of them had already bitten into my leg. I screamed in pain and anger. Then I felt the weight off me and I looked up to see Raiden and two of the rogues gone. I looked at my body and saw their ashes. Raiden stretched out his hand for me.

"You okay?" He asked.

"Yeah." I said as I grabbed it and stood back on my feet. By now, rogues had surrounded both of us. We could easily take this bitches down. Raiden looked at me and we both smirked. He ran to the other side to take care of those ones while I ran the opposite direction. I stretched out my hands and burnt all of the to ashes. I turned around and saw the other, decayed. I laughed because it seems like Raiden is enjoying his newfound power.

"I see you're enjoying your power." I laughed.

"Yeah! I love it!" He cheered and I shook my head. I left him there and went out to fight some more because honestly, I'm enjoying this fight. The whole rogues assembled together and wow, they're much. My pack and I assembled together. Baring their teeth at the rogues. Raiden, my dad and I stood in front of our pack with raging anger radiating all over us. The rogues were more in number compared to my pack. Suddenly, we heard growls behind my pack and we all turned around to see more wolves emerging from the forests. I took a whiff of the scents and they're from Derek's pack. About time! I saw Derek's huge wolf in front leading his pack. My pack gave way for them and they assembled with us. Derek came forward with his beta and stood with us.

"Thank you." I said to Derek through the link.

"Anything for you." He chuckled in my head and I grinned. We all ran towards each other and wolves were tearing rogues apart with so much hatred and fierceness. I brought out my claws and slid under one of the rogue wolves while tearing his tummy open. I looked at the rogue and I saw its intestines on the ground. Very good.

Now I'm getting really nervous. I don't know where Demetrius is and I'm really worried. Maybe scared but it doesn't matter. I looked around and saw the rogues overpowering some the wolves from my pack and Derek's pack. I can't let anyone die under my watch again. I concentrated on unlocking my last elemental power which was earth. I focused on the ground and pictured it cracking open and it did! I was so happy I was able to unlock it. Rogue wolves were falling into the open ground. I felt a sharp pain by my right.


I ran to look for him and I found him underneath a rogue wolf, bleeding by the side and trying to block the wolf from sinking it's teeth into his shoulder. I vibrated with anger and ran towards them. No one dares touch my mate!

"Our mate!" My wolf growled angrily. I pushed the wolf of Raiden and walked towards it. I wouldn't enjoy killing it in its form.

"Shift. Now." I commanded the rogue and its eyes looked like it was struggling within itself but it finally shifted into a well built man. He had fine features but why the hell did he choose to be a rogue. I shook my head.

"Follow me." I commanded again and it had no other choice but to follow. I stopped where Raiden was and by now, he was completely healed up but he needed his strength back. I sat genie style by Raiden and ordered the rogue to sit too.

"You hurt my mate, my king." I said in a calm deadly tone. I saw fear in the rogue's eyes. "And now, I'm going to kill you." I said and jumped into the air. I shifted mid air into my wolf and landed on the rogue. I growled lowly and sniffed the rogue's neck. His blood was so warm.

"P-please d-don't kill m-me. I have a family." The rogue cried but I just bared my teeth at it. "I didn't choose this. Please!" The rogue begged but I ignored it. I growled very loudly and was about to decapitate head from his body but was pushed away by Raiden. I knew it was him because I felt the sparks. I shifted back into my human form.

"What the hell?!" I yelled at him.

"Don't kill him. He has a family princess. Have a heart." Raiden pleaded. I turned away from him.

"Please." Raiden pleaded in my head. I agreed. We were walking away from the rogue and my senses perked up. I dodged and saw that same rogue wolf falling to the floor where I dodged. I shook in anger and lifted him up by the neck. His legs were now dangling in the air.

"I had mercy on you and you still choose to kill me?! Your queen?!" I growled angrily and felt more rogues coming towards me.

"Take care of them Raiden." I growled referring to those rogues coming towards me.

"No problem."

I turned my attention back to the idiot in my grasp. I extended my claws into his neck and blood poured out. I struck my hand into his chest and brought out his heart while looking him dead in the eyes. I threw his heart away and cut off his head.

That would teach him a lesson not to mess with me OR my mate.

There are a few errors because I wrote it today and wanted to update just for you guys.

Please please please don't forget to vote and comment on this chapter. It would be really appreciated if you did. Thank you!

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