Chapter 5

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The picture above is Brian.

I took him to his house and saw Brian marching to me with anger in his eyes. I dropped Raiden on the floor.

"What did you do to him?!" Brian shouted at me. I shrugged my shoulders and kept quiet.

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY ALPHA!"  Brian yelled with anger radiating off him. He advanced towards me but was stopped by Jacob.

When did he get here?

"Brian, calm down and let's take Raiden to the doctor." Jacob said.

"Finally, someone with brains." I heard a growl from Brian and rolled my eyes at him.

We brought the doctor to check on Raiden while waiting outside the room. Jacob walked up to me and sat by my side.

"So what happened?" He asked.

"I was on a mission and your stupid alpha here came in to help me and got shot by some guy. I killed the guy though." I sighed and sank into the chair.

"Wow. Raiden went this far?" He asked and I nodded. I felt someone staring at me and I turned to see Brian. "Like what you see?" I smirked. He growled angrily at me and I gave him the middle finger in return.

The doctor came out. Brian and Jacob rushed to him while I just sat there looking at them.

"Well, he's fine now." They sighed in relief. "But he was hit by a bullet very close to his left lung and lost a lot of blood." He pointed to me,"if she hadn't wrapped up his wounds, he would have been in a coma due to so much blood loss".

"When can we see him?" Brian asked.

"You can go now". Brian rushed into the room and the doctor laughed and left.

"Don't you want to see him?" Jacob asked.

"No. I just wanted to bring him back home safe. I'll be on my way now." I stood up to leave and was at the door till I was stopped by Brian's voice.

"He wants to see you." He said through gritted teeth.

"Why does he w-" I was cut off by Jacob.

"Just go" He groaned. I glared at him but went to see Raiden. I knocked on the door.

"Come in." He said and I entered. The air was tense around us so I decided to clear the awkwardness.

" are you feeling?" I asked.

"I'm good now that I know you are the one who brought me home." He smirked.

"I just wanted to make sure you didn't die in my hands." His face dropped at what I said.

"Thank you then." He said coldly.

"You are welcome. Now, if you'll excuse me." I turned the door knob but was stopped by his voice.

"You're leaving?" He asked.

"Pretty much" I turned the door knob again but was stopped. By him.

"You are not going anywhere." He said sternly.

"Watch me." I opened the door and stepped out.

"You owe me!" He shouted from behind. I turned around to face him.

"I don't owe you anything." I said through gritted teeth.

"Yes you do. I saved you back there." He smirked.

"I don't remember begging you to save me." I gave him a straight look.

"You will stay here for one week as a price for saving your life." That bastard!

"Please Darshana." Raiden pleaded. One week here wouldn't hurt right?

"Okay. But after one week, I'm out of this place." I saw the biggest smile on his face and to be honest he really looks  beautiful.

"Yes! That's fine by me." He was acting like an excited child who just got a shitload of candy.

I walked out of his room to call Derek. I explained everything to him and he was even happy for me. He said I needed a change of environment. Jerk.

I told Jacob that I had to go home to get my stuffs and he insisted he went with me.

"I'm just gonna get my stuffs. That's all." I told Jacob.

"Raiden said I must go with you." He said.

"When did you talk with Raiden?" I asked him suspiciously.

"Mind-link. You know about that right?" He asked. Silly me. I totally forgot about mind-link.

"Yes I do but you can't go with me." We kept arguing till he pulled his puppy dog face on me. I have to resist. I must resist this.

"Fine! Let's go." I sighed in surrender. I jumped in excitement and followed me like a lost puppy.

We entered the SUV I took back there and headed to my house. I parked the car and we both stepped out.

"This is your house?" Jacob asked in bewilderment.

"Yup. It is" I said while popping the 'p'.

"But how did you get this kind of house?" He asked.

"My parents gave me the house." I said in a cold tone. He saw that I didn't want to continue so he followed me and kept quiet. We went to the kitchen and he sat on the chair. I opened the fridge and brought the things I'll use to make my sandwich.

"Make one for me too. Scratch that, make three for me." He ordered. No one orders me. He must have seen the look on my face because he quickly added a 'please'.

I ended up making ten sandwiches. Five for him and five for me. We were so hungry.

"So are you the delta or something?" I asked while taking a bite out of my sandwich.

"Yeah and Brian is the beta." I nodded. Jacob's eyes looked distant like he was communicating with someone in his head.

"We have to go now. Brian just told me Raiden is getting upset." He said and tried hurrying me up.

"And what's my business if Raiden is getting upset?" I raised my eyebrows at him.

"Please just hurry up with your sandwich and let's leave." He begged.

"Sheesh! Okay I'm done." I took the last bite of my sandwich and handed my bag to Jacob. He wanted to protest but I flashed him my gun and he gulped. I laughed so hard at him because he carried my bag and literally ran to the car.

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