Chapter 31

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"Wow. You are so fast." Jacob said amusedly. The connection with the person outside the door became stronger and I opened the door. I gasped in shock.



"Dad. I thought you were dead." I started crying and hyperventilating. "They told me you died! I heard you and mum's screams!" I slumped to the floor but Raiden caught me. I looked at my father with so much pain in my eyes. I missed him so much. I never really talked about my parents features because I didn't want to remember them so much. My dad and mum both had snow white hair and silver eyes like me. I used to live in the palace with them before they took me away. I knew they were wolves because they told me at a very young age and they also told me I was adopted which explained why my features were so different from theirs.

"Oh my baby. I've missed you so much too." Dad said as he walked towards me. I ran to my dad and hugged him. We were both crying on each other.

"I've missed you daddy." I muffled on his chest.

"It's time to explain everything to you my baby." Dad said with seriousness.

"You didn't tell me your adopted dad was a royal." Raiden said from behind.


"Because what?"

"That's it. Because." My dad chuckled at my reply and we went into the living room. Dad took a sit on the armchair and Raiden sat on the love seat. I walked to my dad and sat on his laps. I cuddled with him and he kissed my head. Raiden looked at me with a shocked amused expression.

"What? I haven't seen him in ages." I shrugged. I turned to my dad, "you can start explaining daddy." Dad cleared his throat.

"I'll start from the beginning. When your uncle and I were younger, we used to compete for everything and anything. I was the younger brother. When we became teens, he was out of control. Always partying and drinking and chasing after girls and women. My father was so disappointed in him. My father and I got so close and started training me and teaching me things of the throne and all that. Your uncle saw this and was very jealous. Our mother had already died when she gave birth to me. When your uncle found his mate, he rejected her because he wasn't ready for a commitment. It angered my father so much that he wanted to disown him as his son. I stopped my father from doing so and therefore, my father crowned me the next king although it wasn't my birthright and I was just 18 and your uncle was 25, old enough for the throne. He was angered by my father's decrees and took off. A few years later when he returned, my father died the same day. I knew he was the one who killed our father but I didn't want to react. I found my mate later and she was the most beautiful person I'd ever met. Your uncle became envious of me and wanted her for himself. He swore that he would do anything to take her away from me. I didn't take his threat seriously. After I mated your mum, she became a full royal too. Your uncle heard we mated and thought of an evil plan. He said he won't let any of my heirs take over the throne and he swore to take it from me. My mate was pregnant and we were so happy. Your uncle did one thing that made me take his threat seriously. He kidnapped your mum while she was pregnant but I saved her though. She gave birth to a lovely baby girl..." I interrupted my dad.

"Is the girl me?" I whispered.

"Yes baby, the girl is you. As I was saying, your mum gave birth to you but we didn't want to risk your life because your uncle was getting so dangerous. I took you to a witch to lock your wolf so you'd look human because I had a plan. She successfully locked your wolf and you looked human and smelled human because your wolf was caged. We told your uncle we adopted you because my mate lost her baby. Your uncle still felt threatened and decided to take you away from us and kill us to take over the throne. He killed your mum and thought he killed me but I survived. I thought you died when he took you away from me but I knew you were alive when your wolf was unlocked because the witch linked me to you. The witch cast a spell that when you find your mate and he marks you, your wolf will be free." Dad concluded but a lot of questions were running through my mind.

"So I was your real daughter all along." I said lowly.

"Yes baby. Your mum and I wanted to tell you so bad but we feared for your life." Dad said sadly.

"So when Jack was talking about what his boss would do to me if he ever laid his hands on me. His boss was my uncle. My uncle has been the one behind everything." I said as I put two and two together.

"I thought it was just some rogues who took me but it was my uncle." I muttered the last part in disbelief.

"What's his name?" Raiden asked. I looked at him and saw a shocked look on all their faces.

"His name is Demetrius." They all gasped and I looked at them in confusion.

"He's the one we told you about. The one who took over the throne and has been causing chaos in the werewolf world." Jacob said as if he realized something.

"What if he knows you are alive?" Winter whispered.

"Then he will come after you and everyone you love. Therefore, he will come after this pack." Dad said.

"So what do we do?" I asked.

"We fight."

Oh my god. A few years ago, I never thought I would ever be in this situation in my life. All along, my uncle has been plotting my destruction. He killed my mum and almost killed my father. Anger was surging through me as I remembered everything they did to me when I was kidnapped. All the orders that were carried out by Jack from the boss were all Demetrius' orders. Now he is going to come after me and the ones I love. Over my dead body will I let him get away with everything he has done. I have sworn revenge for my mother and everything wrong Demetrius has done. My body was shaking with anger. He killed my mother. He hurt my father. He took me away. He tortured me. He almost killed me. He hurt my people. He is coming after me. Raiden. My friends. The pack.

My body was vibrating and shaking with anger. My vision turned red and I felt my canines and claws extend.

"What's happening to her?" Raiden asked worriedly.

"As a royal werewolf, we feel the need to protect our people and not let harm befall them. Right now, her wolf is feeling all of that and the fact that her uncle did this to her and the ones she loves, she is going to seek for revenge no matter what it takes." Dad said. I felt a surge of anger when he called Demetrius my uncle.

"He is not my uncle!" I said in an inhuman voice. They paled at the sound of my voice. Raiden started advancing towards me. "Stay where you are Raiden. I can't control my wolf. I might hurt you." He kept coming towards me and hugged me. His hug seemed to instantly relax my wolf although the anger was still there.

"Calm down princess. Everything will be fine." Raiden soothed me.

"We need to start your training as soon as possible." Dad said.

"How soon?"

"Tomorrow. Demetrius will soon know about you."

Dun dun dun!! So what did you guys think of this chapter huh? You like it? I know I do :} please don't forget to show support by voting and leaving your comments. Thank you!

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