Chapter 42

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Darshana's POV.

Two weeks later.

I stood in front of the mirror as I adjusted my dress. My dress was a flared black dress with a long sleeve. I paired it up with flat shoes and sat on the bed. Tears started pouring out of my eyes and I buried my face in my hands. I heard the door open and felt someone wrap their arms around me.


"It's okay baby. I'll always be here with you. Right by your side." He kissed my temple and hugged me tightly. I wrapped my arms around his neck and buried my face in the crook of his neck and cried my eyes out. If you haven't noticed, today is the day of my father's  burial. It's been two weeks since he died. Two weeks after the fight. Two weeks and and my whole life was changed. The royal castle is now undergoing construction from the damages caused to it. I just wish I could have done something to prevent his death.

Raiden told me how bad my condition was. I only killed Demetrius because he triggered the beastly side of me by the killing the man that I love the most in my entire life. A few of my ribs were broken. My lung was almost punctured by one of the broken ribs. I lost a lot of blood. My nose and jaw were broken from all the impacts and I was unconscious for two weeks.

"C'mon baby, it's time." He took out his hand for me and I took it. I breathed in and wiped away my tears. "You can do this. I believe in you." He kissed me passionately and opened the door for me. Then I took in what he was wearing. He was wearing an all black tux and gelled his hair back.

"This style suits you." I gave a small laugh and he grinned and pecked me on the lips. We finally made it to the burial grounds which was in the castle actually. I saw a lot of people in black mourning for my father's death and I promised myself not to cry in front of these people. I'll be strong for them. It was now finally my turn to say a speech. I hadn't written anything because I wanted it to come from the heart.

"You can do this." Raiden rubbed my leg and I stood up and walked to the handmade stage.

"Good day everyone. As you all know, I am the daughter of King Asher. My name is Darshana Vladimir. My dad dad was my rock. The moments I spent with my dad were the best moments of my life. I am also going to use this to remember my mum too because she was never given a befitting burial. My parents were really wonderful people. I remember when I was two years old, my dad would carry me on his shoulders and call me the 'queen of the world' and my mum would be preparing dinner. Then when I was three, I asked them what love was because I always heard them saying 'I love you' everytime so I was curious." I got a couple of laughters from the audience.

"My father always talked about love all the time because he was so much in love with my mother. Though they told me I was an adopted child to protect me from Demetrius, they showered their unending love and affection towards me. My father would always give me a speech about love when I was just five years old. He would say, "It hurts to love someone and not be loved in return but what is more painful is to love someone and never finding the courage to let that person know how you feel about them. Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before we meet the right ones so that when we find the right ones, we would know how to be grateful for that gift forever." I looked at Raiden and smiled.

"Love is when you take away the feeling, the passion and the romance in a relationship and find out you still care for that person. It is true that we don't know what we got until we lose it but it is also true that we don't know what we are missing until it arrives. Don't go for looks, they can deceive. Don't go for wealth, even that fades away. Go for someone who makes you smile because it takes only a smile to make a dark day a bright day. Hope you find this someone that makes you smile.' Yes daddy. I have found that someone that makes me smile. You will forever be in my heart daddy. You and mum. I've mourned you before when I thought you were dead and then I saw you again. It was the best thing I could ever wish for then he took you away from me. I will never forgive him for what he did to you, to mum. He made me an orphan but I'm glad that I have people who love me. A mate that would take care of me till death do us apart. I wish you were still here with me. I know you're happy where you are because you've finally reunited with the love of your life, mum. I love you dad. I love you mum. Forever and always. Rest in peace." I couldn't help but break down in tears as I finished my speech. The people applauded me and it only caused more tears. Raiden said his speech and we walked to his casket together.

"Dad..." I whispered as I caressed his cold and pale face. "I wish you didn't have to go." I sniffled and placed my rose on his chest and kissed his forehead. "I love you daddy." Raiden dropped his rose and hugged me tightly. Then I let the tears out like waterworks.

"It's okay." He rubbed my head. "Pain demands to be felt." I cried harder into him and watched as they lowered my dad into the ground.

"Take me away please." He nodded and lifted me bridal style.

I will always love you dad.

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