Chapter 6

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That's Darshana's house. Just wanted you guys to see what her house looks like. It's looks really dark and evil. *laughs evilly*.

I'll be updating every Saturday of the week so come back for more chapters every Saturday. ENJOY.

Jacob and I got to Raiden's house and was welcomed by Brian's death glare. What's his problem though. I entered Raiden's makeshift hospital room and he was asleep. I met Jacob outside and asked him where I'll be staying and he said I'll be staying in Raiden's room. Not gonna happen. I decided to enter a random room instead of sleeping in the same room with Raiden. I arranged the room and sorted everything out. I still wasn't going to leave anywhere without some weapons. I put my bag of weapons under my bed and settled down. I heard a knock on my door and said a come in.

"Hey Darsh." Jacob said.

"How did you know my name?"I raised my brows at him.

"You didn't think Raiden was gonna tell us did you?" I chuckled at his statement.

"So why are you here?" I asked him.

"I was wondering if you were hungry." He fiddled with his fingers. I noticed he did that when he was nervous.

"Yes and I want you to make something  special for me." I smirked evilly.

"Shoot." He said. I knew what I wanted so I started listing.

"I want baked potatoes, pasta, medium done steak, fruit salad and a bottle of martini." I said in excitement.

"You want to wash it down with a bottle of martini?" We stared at each other then we burst out laughing. I realized I was laughing and clamped my mouth shut.

"You have a really cute laugh." Jacob said.

"Thank you." I said coldly. He squirmed in his position uncomfortably and said he will be right back and dashed out of the room.

I am not a nice person in any way and I'm not gonna start now. Jacob is nice though but that's where it ends. Jacob brought my food and I said a thank you. I was done with my food and placed it down on the table in the room.

Knock knock.

"Who is it?" I asked the person at the door.

"It's Raiden". Ugh! What does he want now. "Can I come in?"

"No. You can't." I knew he'd still come in anyway.

"So what's up princess?" He asked as he entered my room.

"Stop calling me that." I glared at him and he chuckled.

"By the way, I just wanted to thank you for staying here with me. I really appreciate it." He smiled and I nodded my head.

"If I'm gonna stay here without getting bored, I need a place to work out and train." I said and his face lit up.

"You can train with the pack members. You can start tomorrow if you like." There is no way I'm gonna do that.

"In a secluded area please. I don't want to train with strangers." He looked hurt after I said that.

"Maybe I'll assign Brian to train you." He said.

"I'd rather prefer Jacob to be my training partner and not my trainer." I emphasized the word 'training partner' so he'd know I don't need a trainer.

"Go to sleep then. But be awake by 10am because that's when training starts." He came to give me a kiss on my forehead but I pushed him away. He chuckled and left the room.

I know it's very short but I'll try to make the next chapter longer.

Darshana pins you up against the wall with her dagger pressed against your throat.
"What do you want from me?!" You shout.
"I want you to vote for this book and tell the writer what you think or I'll kill you!" 

Vote for my book please! Thank you⭐️ and please tell me what you guys think. I need your opinions too. Please please please.

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