Chapter 37

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I just can't get enough of Raiden's beauty. Well practically, I'm in love with Sean O'pry so it makes sense. Anyways, here's another chapter for you guys, enjoy!

Dedicated to kingcow

Darshana's POV

We decided to go over to the palace at night instead of dawn because it would be foolish of us to go at dawn. We trained throughout the whole day to prepare for any unexpected events that may arise. I put on my black tank top, black jeans and my black leather jacket and paired it up with black high knee boots. I put my hair up in a messy bun and went downstairs to meet the others. I saw them all in black. Hmm, turns out I'm not the only one who decided to wear black for this mission.

I walked over to Raiden and kissed him on the cheek. He held me tight.

"Relax babe, I can feel your anxiety through the bond." Raiden said through our mind-link.

"I can't help it Raiden. What if we get caught?" I said through the mind-link. I heard him chuckle in my head.

"We can't get caught princess. Together, we are undefeatable. Don't worry about it." He kissed my temple and we all sat down together.

"As we all know, we are entering enemy territory tonight. I want you all to know that no matter what happens tonight, we did it for a cause and that cause is to stop the evil in our world." Dad said. We all nodded our heads. I couldn't sense any fear from Raiden. He felt so confident about all this. I hope I feel as confident as him.

"We will stand tall and this mission shall be very successful. Are we ready?" We all nodded. "Good. Let's go." We all headed out to the door. Raiden and Jacob removed their clothes and we shifted into our wolves. They picked up their clothes with their teeth. I looked at Raiden's wolf and he walked over to me and snuggled with my wolf. The sparks were electrifying as our furs touched.

"Are we ready?" Dad asked through the mind-link.

"Yes." We all chorused.

"You know the plan. Jacob stays with me and I'll mask his scent while you and Raiden stay together." Dad said to me but there was one problem.

"How do I mask our scents?" I asked through the mind-link.

"Just think that no one can smell you and Raiden. Now try it." Dad said. I tried what he said. "Good. I can't smell you or Raiden. Now let's go." He said and we all ran north to where the royal palace was located. As we reached the forest that led to the palace, the aura felt so evil. I growled lowly at thought of Demetrius. The forests I used to know are no longer the same. The trees were so drained of water. There were no leaves on most of the trees. The ground that used to have beautiful grasses were now barren. Twigs scattered everywhere on the floor. You could smell the old fowl stench of blood. Owls were hooting and bats kept flying everywhere.

"This place is so creepy." Jacob said through the mind-link.

"I know. Let's not make a sound." I said to Jacob through the link. I walked side by side with Raiden because I was so scared. My dad led the way because he was going to use his gift to direct us to where to go. His eyes were glowing electric blue as he used his powers. Jacob trailed behind him while Raiden and I were behind them. We took a lot of turns till dad came to an abrupt halt which made all of us to stop. I looked at what he was looking at and what I saw shocked me. 

I saw a lot of girls on a large vast of land that used to be a field with colorful flowers. I didn't only see the girls but I also saw rogues who were torturing these girls.

"These must be the girls that they held captive. We have to free them." Raiden said. I shifted back to my human form and so did my dad. Raiden and Jacob went behind a tree and shifted back to their human form.

"We have to rescue these girls! They're their sex slaves!" Raiden exclaimed and I agreed with him.

"I agree with Raiden but we can't possibly free them now." I said.

"You are right. Maybe some other time." My dad said. We heard Jacob growl dangerously and we turned to look at him. His eyes were pitch black.

"Mate." He growled lowly. What?! Jacob's mate is among those girls.

"Great. Now what are we gonna do? There are about a hundred rogues guarding those girls." I stated and Jacob growled at me. I put my hands up in surrender. I looked at the girls again and I saw one of them looking at our direction. How can she smell us. We have our scents masked so there's no way she can smell us. I made eye contact with girl and I quickly looked away. There was something strange about that girl.

"Come on. We don't have enough time to waste." We all followed my dad and he led us to a secret passage that leads to the castle. As soon as we entered, anger surged through me at how much this place changed. There were no vibrant colors anymore. The place was just as dark as Demetrius. We saw about two hundred more rogues in the palace. We walked around and assessed the place very well. We figured there were about seven hundred rogues in total with Demetrius. We were now on our way out because we have studied everything we came here for.

"Aren't we gonna save my mate?!" Jacob whisper/yelled at us.

"Keep it down Jacob! They might hear us." I whisper/yelled at him.

"I don't care. I want my mate." He growled. I looked over to where the girls were and I saw her looking at me. I saw that she was trying to communicate with me so I kept looking at her. I saw go somewhere because the guard rogues weren't watching. I decided to follow her. I heard Raiden call for me but I ignored him. There was something strange about this girl. I followed her to exactly where she left but I didn't see her.

"Psst!" I heard from behind me and I turned around to see her crouching behind a wall. I walked over to her and crouched down to her level. I looked at her and her eyes caught my attention. They were silver like mine.

"Who are you?" I asked suspiciously.

"Doesn't matter right now. You have to get me out of here. I know my mate is here. Please I'm begging you." She pleaded with tears streaming down her face.

"I will but what's your name?" I asked her.

"Evelyn." I nodded and helped her up. I noticed she was limping so I used my body to support her. We finally reached where the others were and I heard Jacob growl. He ran to where I was and quickly picked up Evelyn.

"Evelyn?" My dad said sounding shocked. I looked at Evelyn and she had a shocked expression on her face. I looked between her and my dad in confusion.

What the hell is going on here?

Any ideas on who Evelyn is?

If you have an idea please comment. Anyways, please don't forget to vote. Thank you so much.

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