Chapter 17

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The picture above is winter.

Darshana's POV

I woke up remembering everything that  happened yesterday. The way I slept with Raiden last night, the way he kissed me on the cheek. I felt tingles where his lips touched. I blushed at the memory and headed downstairs to get some breakfast. I opened the fridge and found it empty. I guess I have to go grocery shopping.

I went back to my room to change into something more comfortable. I took my purse, entered my car and headed out to the store. I entered the store and went to the meat section. I felt eyes on me and I turned around but saw no one. I shrugged it off and continued buying things. I was walking down the aisle and saw skittles. I packed it in abundance. I felt eyes on me and I turned around and saw no one. I still felt presence around me but saw no one. I became alerted and reached down for the knife in my holster but there was none. Shit! I forgot to put it on.

I walked towards my car very fast and opened it. I put the grocery bags in the front seat. I didn't get to close the door because I was dragged out and pushed to the hard concrete ground. My head hit the floor and I was dazed a little. My vision finally focused and I saw three men hovering around me. I recognize those faces. Yes! They are part of the people that kidnapped me! I tried crawling away but was pulled back with force.

"You don't know how many years we have been trying to find you. Wait till jack gets his hands on you." As soon as one of them said that name, anger surged through me and I stood up from the ground.

"Look. She is angry. We are so scared." Another one of them said in a mocking tone.

"You should be." I snarled at the guy who mocked me. I gave him a roundhouse kick to the stomach and he staggered back. The other guy rushed towards me but he was too slow so I gave him a punch square in the face and his nose started bleeding. I figured they were human because if they were werewolves, the punches wouldn't really have any effect on them. I decided to use it to my advantage. The third guy came running towards me with a knife. Finally! A weapon. I easily took the knife from him and sliced his hand making sure it was very deep. He held his hand and groaned in pain.

"You little bitch!" He cursed at me but I gave him a final blow which knocked him out instantly. The second guy came at me and punched me so hard that I landed on the floor and the knife fell out of my hand. Not the face bitch, not the FACE! I stood up from the ground and gave him a spinning kick right in the face and he was knocked out. I picked up the knife that was knocked out of my hand and stabbed him in the heart. The first guy saw what I did and ran away. I chased him down and tackled him to the ground. I pinned him the floor and pressed the knife to his neck.

"If you kill me, Jack will know you are alive and he will surely come after you." He snarled at me and I punched him on the face. His nose started bleeding.

"Does this face look like a face that cares?" I asked him while pressing the knife a little bit harder into his neck.

"You can't kill me. When I don't return, they will come after you and you won't escape them." He spat on my face. What is it with people harming my face!

"I. Don't. Care." With that said, I stabbed him in the heart repeatedly. Somehow inside of me, I was scared that they would come after me but I found courage. I can defeat them. I walked back towards my car and drove back to my house. I was so bored and lonely. I decided to drive up to Derek's pack and hang out with his mate.

I parked my car at the side of the road and walked over to his pack. I was stopped by a twig snapping. I turned around and saw four guards behind me.

"Who are you?" One of them said.

"I'm Darshana and I'm here to see Derek." I said to them calmly.

"Why do you want to see our alpha?" Another guy said.

"Would you just mind-link him and tell him Darshana is here." I said nonchalantly.

"He is on his way." The third guy said. I heard a screeching voice from ahead and I looked to see May running towards me. She engulfed me in a hug and so did Derek. I turned to look at the guards and gave them a smug look. I walked to their house with them. I looked at May's tummy and I saw a tiny bump.

"Wow. Your baby is growing quite fast." I commented and she laughed.

"It's because the baby has alpha blood. Don't worry, when you mate with Raiden, your baby will grow fast too." I blushed at what Derek said and I heard a gasp. I turned to look at May who covered her mouth with her hand.

"Did you just blush? Someone's catching feelings." She said in a singsong voice.

"I'm not catching feelings for Raiden. I never will." I said to them sternly but I knew my eyes would betray me. I turned to Derek, "Can I speak to you? It's very important." I said to him.

"Sure. Excuse me honey." Derek said to May and kissed her in the forehead. He took me to his office and closed the door.

"What's up?" Derek asked so I told him everything that happened when I went to the grocery store.

"Shit! That means Jack will come after you." Derek said while pacing around.

"I know and I don't know what to do. I'm confused." I sighed and I took a seat.

"You could stay in my pack and we could protect you or you could go to Raiden's pack and get more protection." Derek said and I gave him a pointed look.

"How would I get more protection?" I asked.

"Every pack has this obligation almost like a second thought to protect their Alpha and Luna even if it means dying. Once the pack members know you are their Luna, they would protect you with their life not to talk of Raiden. Raiden will protect you with his life." Derek said. I thought about what he said and it kind of made sense but I was too stubborn to let Raiden protect me.

"I don't need Raiden's protection. I can handle this on my own." I left him in his office and went to join May in her living room. Derek joined a minute later and we watched sappy movies because May is quite hormonal because she is pregnant. She cries for anything that doesn't go her way and gets mad at stupid things.

On second thought, I don't think I want this. 

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