Chapter 36

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The picture above is a bit of what Darshana looks like now with her white hair and silver eyes. I tried :D

Darshana's POV.

I opened my eyes and bright lights consumed my vision. I readjusted my eyes to the lights and looked around my surroundings and it was quite different. I recognized it as the pack hospital. I remember fighting with Demetrius then I was knocked out. Anger consumes me because I wasn't able to kill Demetrius the instant I saw him. I felt quite disappointed with myself. I tried standing up but the heart monitor went crazy. Raiden and the pack doctor rushed in to see what was wrong. The doctor quickly checked me to see what was wrong.

"There's nothing wrong with you Luna. Please make sure you have adequate rest and don't do anything strenuous so that you may heal well. Also, please rest your head and don't think or do anything that would upset your brain because you had a little concussion but you are healing perfectly now." The doctor said with a smile and I just nodded. "If you'll excuse me." He said then left.

I turned to look at Raiden and he had a smile on his face but I ignored him and faced the other way.

"Princess?" He called out to me but I ignored him.

"Are you angry with me?" He asked.


"Why are you angry with me?" He asked sadly. I turned to look at him and he had a sad look.

"When I woke up, I was expecting you to be the first person I'll see but I was alone and that hurt me so much." My voice broke at the end. He quickly rushed to my bedside and held me tight. I rested my head in the crook of his neck and he ran his fingers through my hair.

"I was here with you all through the days you were here but your father needed me for something an hour ago that's why I left. I will never leave your side." I grinned at what he said because he was so sweet to stay with me for days...wait, days?

"What do you mean days? How long was I out?" I asked as I sat up to look at him.

"You were out for five days." What?! Five days?

"Five days?! I've lost too much time. I need to find Demetrius and end him." I said as I removed the needles from my hand and stood up to head out to the door.

"You're not fit enough to leave here princess." Raiden said as he tried putting me back to the bed.

"I am perfectly fine Raiden. Just let me go." I removed the hospital gown I was wearing but didn't find any clothes to wear. I looked at Raiden and he was wearing a polo shirt. I took it off him and wore it. He laughed and threw his head back. It was kind of cute though.

"You could have just asked for it." He smirked. I shrugged my shoulders and left the room. I heard footsteps behind me and knew exactly who it was.

"You should get some rest princess. You heard what the doctor said." Raiden said as he appeared by my side. I ignored him then suddenly, I was pinned to the wall with both my hands above my head. He looked at me with so much intensity.

"I said you need to rest."

"And I said I don't want to rest till I have Demetrius in my palms." I growled at him and he growled back.

"You are just stressed. Please have some rest." I ignored him and squirmed under his grip trying to get away from him. That was impossible because he smashed his lips on mine and that seemed to instantly relax me. I was happy he kissed me because I really needed it. He rested his forehead on mine and our breaths mixed.

"You need some rest. Let's go home."

"Okay." I agreed with him and he carried me bridal style. I rested my head on his hand and fell asleep.

"Princess, we are here." I heard Raiden's voice and I opened my eyes to see our bedroom. I whispered an okay and went back to sleep. I really needed that rest.


I woke up feeling better than before. I took a shower and wore my clothes and only then did I notice that Raiden wasn't home. I followed his scent and it led me to the pack house. I continued following it till it stopped at his office. I heard my dad, Brian and Jacob talking with Raiden so I stayed at the door to listen to their conversation.

"She's going to wake up anytime soon." Raiden said.

"Have you forgotten the issue at hand? We need a plan to take down Demetrius. Darsh can't do it on her own." Dad said. The hell I can! I barged in and all eyes turned to me. I folded my arms.

"I can't do it on my own dad? Hell I can! I HATE Demetrius and I will do ANYTHING to make sure he is dead!" I barked at them with so much anger.

"If you say so honey. I believe in you." Dad said. Raiden walked up to me and put an arm around my shoulders.

"I believe in you too." He whispered in my ear. I looked at Jacob and Brian and they nodded. I grinned at them and we all sat down to strategize our plan.

"But we have to go over to the royal palace." Once my dad said that, we all looked at him like he was crazy.

"Are you crazy?" Well Jacob voiced our thoughts. "We can't just go over to the royal palace. It's dangerous!" We all agreed with Jacob.

"Yeah dad. Don't you think it's too risky?" I asked while examining the ring Raiden asked me to be his wife with. I smiled at the memory but frowned when Demetrius ruined it. I must forget what Demetrius did in other to appreciate the moment when Raiden proposed to me.

"Are you listening or you're just gonna keep starring at your ring." I blushed at what Brian said and rested my head on Raiden's shoulders.

"If you want to have your dream wedding then you best listen to what we are saying." Dad scolded.

"Okay okay." I threw up my hands in surrender.

"The royal palace is like a living being. If the king has an aura of goodness in him, the palace would adapt to it thereby yearning good things but if the king is bad like Demetrius, the palace will adapt to the evil of Demetrius thereby having an aura of evil with it." I was confused at what my dad said.

"Please elaborate Asher." Raiden said as he readjusted himself.

"If there is a good aura in the palace, the layouts of the palace would be different. Like when I was still king, I knew my palace inside and out. Now, the layouts have changed because of the evil in the palace that's why I haven't gone to end Demetrius because the layouts are different front the ones I used to know." Oh. That makes a lot sense.

"Oh that makes sense. But dad, you have the gift of making people see what you want them to see by creeping into their memories and also to locate places by concentrating." I mused.

"Yes I do."

"Then your plan would work. We would go over to the palace, check out the layouts and plan our attack!" I grinned and the all looked at me like I had two heads except my dad."

"But there are rogues in that palace. They would smell is and attack us."

"That is where we royals come in." I smirked.

"What do you mean?" Raiden asked.

"Royals can mask their scents and other people's scents. Like a maximum of three people. Raiden and Jacob will come with us while Brian will stay back to look after the pack." My dad said.

"I'll mask Raiden's scent and dad will mask Jacob's scent." I grinned like I just won a lottery.

"That's an awesome plan. When do we start?" Jacob asked.

"Tomorrow at dawn."

Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapter as much as I did. Do you think they would be successful when they go over to the palace ?


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