Chapter 8

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I know I said I would update on Saturday but I just wanted to put this on here. So here is chapter 8 for you guys.

Jacob's POV

I don't get why Darsh acts like a bitch though. Most times, she's nice and other times, she's just very cold to everyone. She must be a pain in the ass to Raiden.

I got dressed for training and I was on my way to the pack grounds to train some wolves till Raiden approached me.

"Alpha" I bowed my head to him.

"Morning Jacob. I want you to know that you will not be training here this morning." He said calmly.

"Where will I be training alpha?" I asked him suspiciously.

"With Darshana." He smiled at me.

You can't be serious!

"What? No alpha. Let Brian train with her." I protested. I saw Raiden's body stiffen.

"You question my orders?" He asked in a calm deadly tone. I gulped. No one likes to see Raiden when he's mad. It only happened one time and I hope it doesn't happen again.

"No alpha. I'll be on my way now." I bowed my head and went to the gym in Raiden's house where she trains.

Darshana's POV

I got dressed for gym today and hopefully, I'll be training alone. I just hope none of those boys come in. I was training with my swords today because it's been a very long time I used them.

I got those swords from my sensei back when I went to Japan to learn martial arts. I used those same swords to take out an entire army of over two hundred men. Good times.

I heard the door open and I turned around to see who it was. Jacob.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I asked rudely.

"I don't really have a choice." He says in a nonchalant tone.

"Uh, yes you do. Now get out." I said while giving him an icily glare.

"Alpha Raiden ordered me to be here." He emphasized the word 'ordered'.

"I don't care. Now leave this place." I was getting pissed off with his attitude.

"Will you just shut up and let us start this damn training?!" His eyes were turning black now but that didn't scare me one bit.

"Whatever." I muttered. I picked up a sword and handed it over to him. He looked at the sword then back at me.

"We are working with swords today." I answered his question. His eyes widened and he dropped his sword on the ground. I picked it up and gave it back to him.

"Oh hell no. I am not touching that thing." He said while taking a step back from the sword. I shook my head.

"Yes you are. Now take it" I motioned to the sword "and let's begin practice." I said. He shook his head like he just realized something.

"I know what you are trying to do." He said and I gave him a pointed look.

"What am I trying to do?"

"You are trying to cut me to pieces and eat me like the savage you are!" He said accusingly and I laughed at how stupid he was.

"If I wanted to do that" I said while stepping closer to him "trust me, I would have finished you off the minute you stepped into this gym." We had a glaring contest and he gave in. We were done with training and Jacob had a few cuts on his body. I left him and went to my room. I laid back on my bed and was staring at the ceiling. I decided to call Derek to check up on him. The phone rang and he picked up at the third ring.

"Hey Darsh. How are you?" He asked through the phone.

"You never call me, Derek. I'm always calling you but you never call." I sighed.

"No Darsh. Don't take it that way. I've been busy with alpha work. Please forgive me." He said and I heard a female voice on the other end of the phone.

"I forgive you Der and is that your mate in the background?" I asked.

"Yes it's her and she says hi. Her name is May by the way." He said. That's true. He never told me her name.

"Okay. Say hi to her back. Oh and I have problems." I said.

"What problems?" I knew he would be raising his brow.

"Well...the thing is...I..." I trailed off not knowing exactly how to tell him.

"Out with it already!" He exclaimed.

"Okay fine! Sheesh! You know I've been staying in Raiden's house for two days now?" I waited for him to reply.

"Yeah...continue." I could sense the anticipation in his voice. Derek sure does like good gossip.

"I was laughing and having fun with his delta, Jacob and I realized what I was doing and I became mean to him and kinda said mean stuffs to him. He probably hates me now. I just want to go home or come visit you or something. I'm tired of this place honestly. It's like I'm caged." I sighed.

"Oh Darsh. You know you have a few more days to stay there and you should at least have a friend there." He said.

"You know I don't have any friend except you." I said. Honestly, I didn't want any friends here.

"I know but I want you to apologize to Jacob. Make him your friend. Don't always be so closed up and Darsh?" He paused.

"Yeah?" I waited for his reply.

"Give Raiden a chance too." As soon as he said that, I hung up the phone and went to the bathroom to freshen up.

It won't hurt to have a friend here I guess.

I walked outside and saw Jacob. Thank God he was here.

"What are you doing here?" Jacob asked.

"Was about to ask you the same." I smiled.

"I'm doing my night patrols. You?" He asked.

"I came to say s-s-s....I meant to say s-s...look I don't know how to say this. It's kinda hard b-" I was cut off by Jacob.

"It's okay. I know what you were gonna say and I accept your apology." He grinned at me and I smiled back.

"Why don't I show you around the territory?" He suggested and I agreed. We walked further into the woods and I saw some really cool spots. He showed me where they hunted, kept spare clothes when they shifted, kept traps and all that. I got lost and stumbled upon a beautiful lake. The moon illuminated on the water and made the blue water sparkle. It was so beautiful. I heard Jacob calling my name and I ran up to him. He asked where I was and I told him I got lost.

We walked back to the house and I saw Raiden at the front door looking...jealous? Why is he jealous.

Hmmmmm I think Jacob has a crush on Darshana. Who else thinks so? Don't forget to vote and tell me what you think of this chapter. I know it's kinda boring but you have to vote unless you want Darshana coming after you.

Bye lovelies!⭐️

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