Chapter 25

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Darshana's POV

I couldn't lay down well because the floor was so hard and my back was sore due to the whipping. They gave me nothing to suppress the pain and left me to heal by myself. I sat on the floor with my back facing the cell. I heard the cell door opening and ignored whosoever that entered. Suddenly, I felt a brain melting pain hit my back with full force. I screamed and fell on my face with tears streaming. The person poured hot water on the open wounds on my back.

"I'm sorry. Jack sent me to do it and I couldn't go against his orders. You are very little and I hate what is happening to you." I turned around to see who spoke and it was Paul, the kindest of them all. I just looked at him because the pain in my back didn't let me process anything.

"I'm going to try and set you free." He whispered and my interest perked up.

"How?" I said in a raspy voice.

"Just get ready. Midnight, I'm going to come and get you okay? Make sure you get enough sleep." He whispered then left. I finally had hope since three years in this prison. I was now ten years old and I finally had hope for escape. I managed to lay on my side and take a nap, readying myself for the escape.

"Quick! Wake up! Let's go." Paul whispered/yelled as he unlocked my cell. I quickly followed him behind and hoped no one would find us. He took me to a secret tunnel. It was so dark that I couldn't see. He led me out and I finally saw the moonlight for the first time ever in three years. Silent tears fell down my face because I was finally escaping. I was finally free.

"Thank you so much." I whispered with tears still in my eyes. I didn't act like a ten year old because over the years, I was forced to mature and grow up without parents.

"Let's go. You are finally free." Paul led to the woods and we ran. We kept running and my legs were getting tired because I haven't eaten well in a week now. I slowed down my pace and Paul noticed and carried me and continued running. We heard paws pounding on the ground and I looked through Paul's shoulders and saw four wolves running towards us. I panicked.

"Paul! They are behind us!" I yelled in fright.

"I know. We can do this." Paul said and suddenly, we tripped over and I tumbled and landed on the floor. I hit my head on a stone and it cut my head. My vision was getting cloudy. I looked up and saw Jack holding Paul's neck. I screamed for Jack to let him go but he just smiled at me evilly.

"I'll let you watch him die." Jack snarled at me and I glared at him. Two men held Paul down and Jack held his head.

Paul mouthed an "I'm sorry" before Jack brought out his claws and stuck his hand in his chest and brought out his heart. I screamed and ran into the woods trying to escape but Jack caught me and threw me to the ground. He hovered on top of me with a knife.

"This won't hurt." He smiled slyly as he pressed the knife on my stomach.

"No! Please please don't do this!" I begged and thrashed around. I felt the knife going deep into my stomach and I kept yelling in pain.

"No!! Please stop!"

"No!!" I yelled as I shot up from bed with sweat dripping down my face. Derek and May quickly rushed into the room and held me. Derek soothed me but I couldn't calm down. I was still on high alert.

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