Chapter 43

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Darshana's POV.

Two weeks later.

"Darsh hurry up!" I heard Raiden call for me from our bedroom. Guess what? We moved to the castle. The pack and us moved to the castle. The castle is exactly like I remembered it when I was a child. A field of daffodils by the riverside. Flowers and green grasses everywhere. The place was now full of life like how it used to be. The Southpaw pack is now the royal pack.

"I'm coming!" I finished having my shower and got out of the bathroom only to see Raiden already dressed up. He was wearing a white suit with white shirt, white tie and white shoes. I was awestruck.

"Wow." I breathed out but that's when Winter and Evelyn barged into the room and dragged me away from Raiden. "Let me say bye to him." I whined but they only dragged me harder. We finally reached Winter's room and she locked the door.

"What were you thinking! You can't stay in the same room with groom!" Oh that's true. I'm getting married you guys! And it's also the day of our coronation. We finally get to lead our people together as one. The theme of the wedding was white. I chose it because it would match our hair colors and look how perfect my baby looks now.

"I wanted to stay with him." I poured and folded my arms like a child.

"Well you get to stay with him for as long as you like after today." Evelyn laughed. Then they started dressing me up. First, Winter started with the makeup. I told her to keep it neutral but I don't if she'd listen to me because it's my wedding day. Finally, Winter was done but she didn't let me look at the mirror. I finally wore my dress and it fitted so perfectly.

"Turn around!" Winter chirped. I turned around slowly and gasped when I saw myself. My dress sleeves were a white shear lace, the neckline was heart shaped. The white dress hugged my torso perfectly but flowed down from my waist. It was a ball gown but it was very beautiful. My hair was perfectly done. I had no idea what it was called but it was really good. There were little white roses in my hair that could hardly be seen because of my already white hair. Then the makeup. She fixed eyelashes for me saying it would makeup my silver eyes pop out and she was right. She did a nude smokey eye makeup for me and applied a nude lipstick on me.

"Wow." I breathed out. I heard the door open and I saw Derek looking at me with tear filled eyes.

"Darsh." He whispered. I ran to him and hugged him tightly.

"Derek." My voice broke. He brought my head up to look at him. "Hey hey. Don't cry Darsh. It's your wedding day and besides, you don't want to ruin your makeup." I laughed at what he said.

"You're right. I just thought that when my dad returned, he'd finally walk me down the aisle but here you are, walking me down the aisle." I chuckled and he hugged me again. I buried my face in his chest while he rubbed my back.

"Let's just get you out there and marry you to that handsome devil waiting at the other end for you!" Derek cheered and Winter and Evelyn joined him.

"Let's go!" I cheered too and locked hands with Derek. We were now facing the doors and anytime now, it would be opened.


"Ready." The doors opened and I saw Raiden at the other end with his hand on his mouth. I saw Brian pat his back and he nodded.

"You look beautiful." Raiden's voice sounded so emotional in my head.

"You look handsome too." I said to him through the link. The aisle was beautiful. From the beginning to end were decorated with huge bouquets of white and black roses. The hall was just so beautiful that I couldn't describe it. Derek finally gave my hand to Raiden and he accepted it with so passion. Then the priest started talking but I zoned out on him.

"I can't believe we are finally getting married." I said to him through the link.

"Looking back at how we were, it was bound to happen because you've always loved me but you hid your feelings." Raiden smirked.

"True that."

" may say your vows." Raiden looked at me with so much love and picked up the ring for me.

"I promise to love and cherish you in sickness and in health. To love and protect you. To always be there for you when you need and don't need me. I promise to never do anything that would hurt you because you're the love of my life and I wouldn't trade that for anything in this world." He slid my ring to my ring finger. The ring was so beautiful. It was a silver ring with a huge diamond in the middle. It was now my turn.

"I promise to love and cherish you in sickness and in health. To be your rock and your support when you feel like you're making a mistake. I promise not to ever hurt you in my life. I promise to stick by your side no matter what life throws at us. I'll love you till death do us apart." I slid the ring on his ring finger and he grinned. His ring was a silver ring encrusted with diamonds.

"You may kiss the bride." Raiden pulled me into him and planted his lips on mine with so much passion, love and force. I heard the crowd cheering and we finally broke away from the kiss. We sat on the thrones and two servants came to us, each holding our crowns. They crowned us at the same time.

"Your leaders!" The priest cheered and the crowd erupted into cheers. I grinned and looked at Raiden.

"I love you Raiden."

"I love you my queen." We held hands and looked at the people cheering for their new leaders and honestly, this was the best thing I could ever ask for.


Wow guys. I can't believe the book is finally over but if you want me to do an epilogue, at least 10 people should comment then I'd do an epilogue for you guys but if it's not up to 10 comments, no epilogue.

   I just want to thank you guys that have been with me throughout this book. I really appreciate all your votes and comments. How you guys encouraged me. Thank you so much.

     Have a wonderful life!

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