Part I

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"maybe it was because you won't listen to me" I screamed at my dad, shoving clothes into a suitcase, and shoving other belongings into my backpack.

"I'll listen to you when you start using your head, Joey is no good for you" My dad said blocking the door way.

"See that's where you don't get it, he's perfect for me" I said shoving past my dad. "and I'm not coming back" I said.

My dad turned around and slapped me on the face. I slammed open the door to find Joey waiting outside. I ran into him arms, inhaling the smell of fresh cut grass, and heavy cologne.

"Don't touch her" Joey growled at my dad. One of Joeys hands was tight around my waist, and one around my neck.

"You'll regret this!" My dad yelled from the porch.

"Maybe Nyla will" Joey said. "But I'm not leaving her with you"

"Then don't bother coming back Nyla not ever" My dad yelled at me. I turned away and started walking towards joeys car.

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