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I went to bed while all the boys planned there scheme. I was too tired to pay attention and I couldn't concentrate. I was almost completely asleep when everyone was silent and the lights were off and I rolled over to seen Joey, almost asleep.

"Try to sleep" he whispered in my ear keeping his eyes closed. I let out a large sigh and rolled back over. I let a deep breath out, snuggled closer to Joey.

He was all I had. My mother had died, and I had lost my dad because of it. And I was losing my mind because of it.

Still through it all, Joey found a way to make sense of it. My friends, and my past boyfriends all treated me like I was insane. But Joey, he understood everything. And if he didn't he would try his best to. And his love for me was undeniable. He broke rules for me, beat up his friend because of me, he even made a deal with his dad just for me. And what was I doing for him? Nothing. I fell short in all the requirements of a girl friends. I didn't do any thing for him. I didn't give him gifts or have a perfect life for him to walk into. I just loved him, and he loved me just because of that.

I was amazed, his chestnut brown hair falling perfectly on his head, was everything compared to my frizzy brown mane. And his chocolate brown eyes, were the most beautiful thing compared to my hazel eyes. And I was confused that he wanted me, out of all the girls he could possibly get with his looks.

My thoughts faded away as I started to drift off into deep sleep.

I woke up to a fairly large hairy creature or also known as Billy waking me up.

"WHAT!" I hissed, sleep coating my eyes.

"Wake up, roll call in five" Billy said.

"Where is Joey?" I asked putting joey's sweatshirt on.

"Beats me" Billy said.

"Well, is he somewhere he shouldn't be?" I asked.

"I don't know" Billy replied.

"What was the plan you made up last night?" I asked walking with Billy towards the cafeteria.

"I'll explain it to you in the quad, okay?" he asked, seeming oddly eager to get to that cafeteria.

"Are you okay?" I asked. 

"Yeah why wouldn't I be?" I he asked me.

"I don't know you seem... shaky" I explained.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine." He lied. I rolled my eyes at him, if that's what he wanted it to seem like, fine.

We walked into the cafeteria, and I saw Joey. I got my food, and sat down beside him, while Billy went to go wash pots and pans.

"I can't believe he's still on pots and pans" Joey said.

"I know" I agreed laughing.

"What's the plan you guys made up anyway?" I asked.

"I'll tell you in the quad" Joey said to me.

"We can't do anything with these bastards here" I whispered to Joey.

"I know, They can go fuck off." He said. I laughed at how lightly he used such bad words.

Snuffy, Richardo, and Hank sat down at the table. They all looked at me, then Joey, Then they all looked at each other.

"I see the fuckboy, still has the prettiest girl I've seen in awhile" Snuffy said. I started to blush, and Joey rolled his eyes.

"She's the only girl you've seen in awhile, fucktard" Richardo said flicking Snuffy in the head.

"I don't know, I mean Mrs. Sta-"

"Snuffy that is disgusting" Hank said, cutting him off. I laughed at all of them, and then started to stare at me.

"What are you laughing at Princess?" Richardo asked me.

"You guys are Hilarious" I said, starting to laugh even harder.

"Why?" Hank asked confused.

"Guys, have you heard yourselves talk. You bitch at each other more than the dean and Billy" I said. Joey started laughing at me, and so did Richardo and Snuffy. Hank didn't seem to find it funny.

I started to eat my food and almost puked it back up, and ended up just drinking my chocolate milk.

"You gonna eat that?" Snuffy asked me Pointing at the food.

"Ew gross no" I said. "It taste like dog vomit" I said pushing the tray away.

"Hey! You gonna hurt the foods feelings" Snuffy said back to me.

"You mean the dog vomit?" I asked.

Snuffy ignored me scarfing down the food, and then Him, Hank and Richardo all took their trays up to Billy, to wash them, and then they threw away their trash.

"We don't get to do anything anymore." Joey said me.

"You mean-?"

"Yes" He interrupted me before I could even finish.

"What do you wanna do about it?" I asked, He smirked at me.

I finally uploaded YAAYYY! Its like 1:15 and if my parents find out I'm up they are going to murder me so wish me luck because I'm going to update my stand by me story too.

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