(Part 2) I

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"Here wanna see what I did last night with the guys" he asked laughing. 

"Sure" I said with a reassuring smile.

He let me out to the quad that had all the headmasters office furniture laid out across the yard perfectly. I laughed at all the guys, they were gonna get in so much trouble for this. 

"You" The dean said pointed to billy, "And you, and you" he said pointing to Ricardo, and Joey. "And you two" he said pointing at snuffy and hank. 

"You" he said pointing at me. "Did you have anything to do with this?"

"No she didn't" Joey and Ricardo answered for me. He looked away from me.

"You boys have the honor of putting all this furniture back, any rejections?" The dean asked. They all shook their head. And the boys started to put the furniture back. 


I met Joey at the headmaster's office, and he put his arm around my shoulders.

"Let's get some breakfast baby" Joey said kissing my cheek.

"Okay" I said following him to the cafeteria.

We got in line, and Billy Temper cut me in line.

"Don't worry about him" Joey whispered in my ear sending chills down my spine. Me and Joey just about got our food, when we heard gunshots. We looked at each other in concern. Then a man walked up in the middle of the room and shot bullets at the ceiling, everyone got under a table.

Joey pulled me under the lunch line, looking around cautiously. He pulled me on his lap, and he watch the man closely. Putting his hands on my waist, he pulled me closer to him.

Men ran around the room. One man looking for Phil who, if I haven't mentioned, was taken out of school.

"Joey" I whispered scared, burying my head in his chest.

"It's okay baby girl" he whispered in my ear, in not a sexual way, but a soothing way.

As the men scrambled around some more, I kept hugging Joey in till they demanded that we got up. Confused, I stood up, never leaving Joey's side, and even though I really didn't need protecting, I really really wanted it.

I kept hugging Joey as the man who introduced himself as Luis called out various names. He even called snuffy as if snuffy was important. But when he got to Joey, I just couldn't let him go. Joey had to scrape me off his arm, as he went up in front off a the boys, and I seemed as if my anxiety inclined. Oh I'm mentioned that right, I have anxiety if you haven't noticed, and right now it's sky rocketed. I soon started to listen to there conversation.

"The Albert Trotta?" Luis asked. Joey didn't answer.

"What? Your not proud of your father?" Luis taunted.

"No" Joey said his jaw clenched shut.

He walked back toward me, now irritated. I grabbed his hand, and kissed him on the cheek, making an attempt to calm him down. 

And what happened to Richardo was exceptionally traumatizing, considering that he lied about speaking spanish, and Luis smashed his knee caps in with the butt of gun, and it looked like it hurt. And that's what made me scared of this man, his anger.


We were all out into rooms, luckily everyone I knew was in the room. It was chaotic, everyone asking these two young boys if they had all this stuff. I just sat on one of the beds, and hugged my knees, we were trapped weren't we? Was I going to die here? A voice made me jump.

"Hey, You okay?" Joey asked me, sitting beside me putting a hand on my back.

"No" I answered. "It happened so fast I don't even know what's going on"  

"It'll be okay" He said hugging me. 

"Well we're truly fucked" Billy said. 

"They can't rescue us, or we'll all get killed" Hank said. 

"We're gonna do something about it, aren't we?" Joey asked. Billy and Hank just shrugged. 

"We can't just stand by and let these bastards fuck with our lives!" 

"Do we have a choice?" I asked. 

"Yes" he yelled. 

"Can you guys stop talking about terrorists, I'd like to go to sleep without wetting my pants," Snuffy said. We all rolled our eyes at him. 

"Well I'm gonna try not to think about it" I said laying down. 

"I bet Joey could take your mind off things" Billy said nudging Joey. 

"You'd like that wouldn't you?" I asked pointing my middle finger at him. Joey laughed at me. 

"Hah very funny." Billy said the words dripping with sarcasm.

"And maybe if you're lucky, Snuffy will get so horny that he'll give you a big kiss" I said smirking, earning a laugh from all the boys in the room even Billy. 

"You know you're not so bad Renn" Richardo laughed at me. 

"Yeah, you're actually starting to grow on me." Billy said. 

The edge of my lip started to curve into a smirk, I wish guys we're like this at my old school, and as we started to joke around even more, the terrorist disappeared for mind for a little bit. The thoughts let me fall asleep, as I laid down, feeling the warm embrace of warm arms around me. Joey's arms. I rolled over and inhaled the all too familiar of Joey's cologne, and snuggled into his chest as he mumbled the comforting words;

"I love you"  

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