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[Song of the chapter: Habits of my heart - Jaymes Young]

"You go meet me in the-"

"Library" I suggested to Joey.

"Yeah, meet me in the library" He said to me.

"What are we gonna say to get past." I asked him.

"You're smart, you can think of something" Joey said to me. I rolled my eyes.

"Line up!" Luis yelled, and the bell tower started to ring. It was exactly 1:00.


"90- 91- 92. There all here" Jack said to Luis.

"Take them out to the quad" Luis said to the headmaster.

"You can go out into the quad now" he said to everyone.

We got out into the quad. Richardo was playing soccer with Billy, Yogurt was working on his toy plane, and Snuffy and Hank were probably somewhere, beating off, but I didn't see them. I saw Joey walk up to one of the men and told the man something. The man let him past, and Joey walked towards the door, glancing back at me. Now it was my turn. I walked over to the man, and tried to walk past him.

"Where do you think your going?" he asked me.

"Can I go to the bathroom?" I asked, as he looked at me confused. "Ya know? Go piss, like, Can I go pee?" I asked me. He looked at me disgusted.

"Yes, but no Fucking around" He said as he let me by. I rushed through the doors before he could change his mind and I made my way towards the library. I walked in and looked around when someone grabbed me. I jumped and almost screamed then I realized that it was only joey. We walked over to one of the sections of bookshelves.

"Don't scare me like that" I said to him. He laughed. "I'm serious! That scared me!" I said loudly.

"Shut up!" He said quietly.

"You shut up!" I said quieter.

"Make me?" He asked me.

I laughed, then I kissed him on the lips hard. I pulled away. "You okay with that?" I asked him.

"I'm down" he said smirking. It was his turn to kiss me as he pushed me against the bookshelf. I had one hand in his hair, one pulling him closer by his neck. I wrapped my legs around him, and rested my feet on the bookshelf parallel to the bookshelf I was currently pinned to. And I wasn't complaining. Joeys kisses started to become more rough and abrupt, yet still had passion.

His hands on my body was the best feeling in the world. His lips brushing against mine was like a drug, but his lips on my body was poison.

His lips traveled from my lips to my jawline, and they got lost, wandering somewhere down toward my neck, as his hands trailed up my waistline to shoulder, and he played with my bra strap. He pulled away and looked into my eyes.

"Babe" he pleaded.

"Are you crazy, not here" I said.

Then we both heard a door open.

"Who's in here" we heard a Spanish accent speak.

"Shit" I whispered.

"Hide!" Joey whispered. I shoved him and he crawled under a desk I crawled between a bookshelf and a wall. I held my breath.

"You!" He said pointing at me, "Ven aca (come here)" I walked over to him, I knew what he said because Richardo taught me a little Spanish. "¿qué estás haciendo aquí (what are you doing in here?)" he asked me. I didn't understand.

"yo sólo hablo poco español (I only speak little Spanish)" I said to the man.

"Come chica!" The man said pushing me out of the library forcefully. I looked back at Joey silently, and I could see the fear overcoming me was reflected in his eyes.


"I'm only going to ask this once, Why were you in the library?" Luis asked me. I was speechless in fear. "Answer!" He yelled.

"I-I wanted to get a book t-to read out in the Quad, I-I was bored," I stuttered.

"Is that so, and were you alone?" He asked me.

"Yes" i lied.

"Liar!" he yelled and slapped me across the face. I held my hand to my face, cringing in pain. A tear dripped from my eye but I blinked the tears away.

"I was!" I lied again.

"Liar!" he yelled again, and he slammed me across the headmaster's desk making most of the toppings fall off. "You were with a Boy, tell me who he is!" Luis demanded.

"No!" I refused. He pulled out a pointer pen out of a mug and lengthened it, and whipped my stomach with it, the hits feeling like I was in hell, and in someway I felt like this place was some form of it.

"Tell me who the Boy is!" he yelled.

"No!" I refused, and in one harsh movement he flipped me to my back and started to whip my back with the pointer pen. I screamed out in pain, as if I was actually dying. My eyes starting to fill with tears. He kept striking my back, each strike more painful than the last.

"Which is he?" Luis asked angrily.

"It was me" I heard a familiar voice say, making his New York accent obvious, so Luis wouldn't try anything with him. Luis knew very well that Joeys dad was New York Mafia. And Luis knew not to fuck with Albert Trotta's kid.

"Take her!" Luis demanded to Joey motioning to me. "Stay in the Quad, next time that your somewhere your not suppose to be, I'll kill you both." He said, as Joey picked me up bridal style, and carried me out of the room.


OOOOO an extra long chapter for my lovelies. Did you guys know that there are tons of gifs of couples making out in a library? I did not. And there are a ton. So did you guys like my chapter?

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