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I'm assuming Joey didn't look at the clothes at all, because none of them were matching. And I wasn't exactly sure if he picked out the bra or one of his pervert friends, because it was one of my only lace ones.

I was actually really sad, and I kinda felt guilty when I realized that the sweatshirt of joeys, that was my favorite, now had bullet holes in them. Not to mention my back hurt from the bullets themselves. I got my shoes and my shorts back though. I smoothed out my shorts. Then I opened the bathroom door and walked out, and sat on my bed.

"How ya feeling?" He asked me.

"Tired, and sore. God it's cold in here" I said. Joey started to take of his sweatshirt. Yes yes yes. I loved his sweat shirts.

"Here" he said handing it to me.

"Thank you! I promise I won't get bullet in the back of this one," I giggled.

"That's good to know" Joey said laughing.

A little later the doctors said that I could leave, and I was excited because the food here was even worse then the food at school. I really didn't have anything at the hospital so I kinda just left with my extra shoes and my extra shorts. Joey, being the nicest boyfriend, offered to carry it for me.

I started to walk down the hall and saw Billy and I ran and I hugged him. Then Joey started laughing. And I looked at Snuffy, Richardo, and Hank just staring at us in jealousy.

"What?" I asked, Joey still laughing uncontrollably.

"Maybe I wanted a hug from a girl" snuffy pouted.

"Yeah the last one was probably a few years ago" Ricardo laughed.

"And it was probably his mom" Billy said joining in the laughter.

I couldn't help but laughed uncontrollably along with them. This was what I loved, this was what life was worth living for. We all stopped laughing sooner or later and I hugged all three boys. They all started to walk out of the hospital, and I slowed down and talked with Billy.

"I heard you shot up the guy who shot me" I said walking beside him.

"True" he said.

"Why?" I asked.

"Remember after you got the slashes on your back?" He asked me. I nodded. "Well like I said, your like my sister." He paused. "And no one messes with my sister"

"So you shoot them up?" I asked.

"If that's what they did to you. Look you and Joey are like, what? A year dating, and if he thinks you're this amazing person, then there must be something great about you" Billy finished.

"Thanks" I said.

"Joey was just as worried about you. If anything he was more worried" Billy said.

"I hope so" I said, staring at Joey as he messed around with his friends. It's like nothing's changed, and I loved that.

"He really likes you, Nyla. I honestly don't think he's ever going to stop. I'm gonna be honest, it gets kinda annoying" Billy said.

"I can see you get annoyed by it" I laughed.

"Just a little bit" he laughed. "We should probably catch up with them" Billy said.

"Alright" I said. Billy ran to catch up with his friends. I watched them mess around. Snuffy rubbed his nose, and stuck it Joeys face, then Ricardo slapped him in the chest.

The nature of boys. Always disgusting yet price-less to them, in their minds. It was amusing to watch. Yet there was a seriousness to it.

I ran up to the boys, pulling my arm around Joey. Walking out to Joey, and Hanks car, It seemed as if nothing happened, and that's how I wanted it to be.  

When we got back to the school, It looked different, as if the memories before my coma, was melting on the walls. My imagination seeping though reality. I brushed my hand against the wall. No orange wires, no bombs. I was safe with Joey. I was safe with Billy. I was safe with Ricardo, Hank, and Snuffy. I was safe with the people I loved. That was all that mattered.

We walked into Joey, and Billy's room. I sat on the top bunk, in front of Joey his legs around me. Billy's famous Mouthwash passed around the room, and we all drank it and choked, Toasting that we were all alive, and we were together.

Joey looked down to me with his thankful, gleaming eyes. I looked up at him, and kissed him, harder then I ever had.

"You two get a room!" Snuffy yelled, looking at us. Me and Joey, stopping kissing to laugh.

Playful insults we're shot at Snuffy was we all laughed at him, knowing that he would always say something back.

We all laughed in till we couldn't keep our eyes open. We fell asleep Joyful, our eyes, and mouths laughing.  Without out humor what would we have? It wouldn't be right. It would be like a Nyla, without a Joey.


I'm Done! Yay? That's the end. I decided that this would be the end of the story. I had more ideas, but I decided to end the book, because I decided that there are more stories that are yet to be published that I would like to focus on. If your guys would like me to write a sequel, about Joey becoming the mafia leader, or what happens with Nyla and her dad comment! I will work on it soon.

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