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Once everyone was gone, my father spoke.

"Nyla" My dad started. I crossed my arms and pouted. He could say whatever he wanted, I wasn't going to forgive him. "I'm glad to see you're okay" He said to me.

"Please" I said rolling my eyes.

"No Really, I do" He said. He looked at Joey out of the corner of his eye. "I see you're still with the Boy."

"His name is Joey, and yes dad, of course I'm still with him he treats me, much better than you ever did" I said to him. Joey's arms were crossed, but his face was almost unreadable. There was silence.

"If it wasn't for him you wouldn't be in this hospital" My dad said.

"It's not his fault, It was my choice!" I hissed.

"He was the reason you left, If you never met him You'd still be at the house, not in the hospital"

"You always see exactly what you want to see, and when there's something you don't like you pretend like it doesn't exist, but it does" I yelled. My dad turned away, and started to walk out the door.

"Mom liked Joey. Why can't you?" I said. He stopped.

"Your room will be exactly like you left it if you ever want to come home" he said before walking all the way threw the door. That's all he had to say to me?  God why couldn't he answer my questions?

He was clearly gone so I just kinda sat there with a blank mind, Staring at the blank ceiling. It was extremely cold in my room, and I had realized that I could not wear Joey's warm brown jacket anymore because it had bullet holes thru it and was smeared with blood.

"What are you thinking about?" Joey suddenly asked me.

"Just my life in the last week" I said. "I almost died about three times so I have a lot on my mind."

"I bet" he said. " I would say get some sleep, but that's probably the last thing you want to do right now, since you've been sleeping for about three days"

"No, Joey I want to sleep for the rest of my life" I said sarcastically. He laughed at me.

Then there was a silence, a peaceful and perfect silence.

"So how's you dad?" I asked. I could see Joey just mentally rolling his eyes.

"He's a New York mafia leader, Same old same old" Joey answered the words dripping with sarcasm.

"Yeah, but how did he handle you and the terrorists?" I asked.

"He made a few deals with Luis, got something from Luis dad in prison tried to get me out and I tried to get you out" Joey explained.

"Oh" I said.

"The U.S. Government, not a fan of my dad, Oh by the way, there dead. Luis, his dad, all the men" Joey said.

"Yay?" I asked.

"Billy got back at that one guy for shooting you. He was actually really concerned" Joey said.

"Ironic, considering that he wanted me to die a few weeks ago."

"He didn't want you to die, He just told you to go die. Tell you what it's a term of endearment" Joey said. I rolled my eyes at him.

"I've never seen him tell you that" I said.

"Yeah well, It's the way he flirts" Joey defened.

"Watch it bud, you're giving your best friend permission to flirt with your girlfriend" I warned.

"No, I never said that" Joey denied.

"Sure" I said, playfully rolling my eyes.

"Okay fine, next time he says it, he'll be the next one to stay here" he said.

"Ha very cute" I said.

"How cute?" He asked me smiling.

"Very, very cute" I giggled.

"When do I get out of here anyway?" I asked.

"I don't know. I could ask for you." He said.

"That would be great, thank you. So are we going back to school?" I asked.

"Yeah, we have like a few weeks off, and we can be in our dorms, but besides that, we're back to school." Joey stated.

"Oh" I sighed. My life was seeming to go back to normal, even if I was in a coma and had terrorists at my school.

I didn't want to sleep, but I saw Joey drifting off to sleep in that hospital chair, and I started to drift off to sleep myself.

When I woke it was by Joey.

"Hey, baby-girl. Wake up" he spoke. I groaned not wanting to move. The sleep I just took was restless. I opened my eyes and looked up at my thoughtful boyfriend.

"Hey" I smirked. He sat down on the end of my bed.

"So the doctors say that you'll be out of the hospital by tonight, and they suggest that you try to get up and walk." He spoke. "While you're at it you can get dressed" he said handing me an outfit.

I slammed my head down on my pillow and yawned. I got up, fully awake of my hospital gown not covering all of my ass. I started to walk over to my bathroom.

"Stop staring you perv" I said to Joey.

"Why?" He asked. "I've seen it before" he smirked. I rolled my eyes at him, as he started walking over towards the bathroom.

"Dude" I said. He kept walking and grabbed my waist and kissed me.

"I've just really missed you, that's all" he said, pulling away

"I'd say I missed you too, but that's not exactly possible" I said.

"I know," he spoke.

"The second I was aware, you were already by my bed, so, it's like you never left me " I explained. "Now get out I need to get dressed."

Okay, so why does nobody read this story anymore. I only got 18 reads on my last chapter, and it's really discouraging me. I really try to work hard on this book, but no one reads it. I think I might just end the book here. 

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