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[Song of the Chapter: Beautiful Girl- William Fitzsimmons]

"Does goalie like hurt? Do you get hit in the face a lot?" I asked.

"No" Joey laughed. You only get hit in the face if your not paying attention." He said pulling his shirt off. He threw it in a pile and grabbed his goalie shirt. "And anyway if you do get hit in the face at least your doing your job" he said pulling the goalie shirt over his head, and putting it on.

"So who plays what on the field, like what position?" I asked.

"Richardo plays forward, Billy and Hank are defense, and Phil is midfield."

"Nice" I said.

We arrived at the soccer field early and no one was there. I didn't think anything of it, and stole the ball from Joey.

"Show me your moves hot stuff" I said to Joey. He put his goalie gloves and stood in the middle of the goalie box.

"Come at me" Joey challenged. I shot the ball at the left upper corner of the goal, and Joey got it like it was nothing.

"Impressive" I said smirking, and before Joey was even ready I shot the ball right below the cross bar in the middle of the left post and the middle of the goal, and it went in.

"Kiss my ass Joey! I am still better then you!" I yelled.

"Aww you guys are cute" Billy said from behind us.

"Go fuck a tree Billy" Joey said to him.

"The tree wishes" Billy mocked.

Soccer practice started. Billy and Joey introduced me to the coach. His name was Mr. Anderson. He just kinda treated me like one of the boys. We scrimmaged, Joey in goal on my team, and another boy on the other team. Me and Richardo started on forward. He started with the ball passed it back to defense, and they sent it back to Richardo. Then Richardo sprinted fifteen yards before passing it up to me. I started to dribbled the ball and a few seconds after I shot the ball Billy slide tackled me.

"So that's how it's gonna be?" I asked him. He smirked at me. I scored by the way, not to brag. Richardo high fived me as we went back to the middle of the field.

After we finished scrimmaging jv had to shoot on goal which means Joey had to be in goal. Varsity screwed around. I guess I was considered varsity. Me and Billy were trying to get the ball from each other. I looked over at Joey and there was a scowl of envy on his face. I didn't think anything of it. I continued and then looked over at Joey, he was staring at us, and then SMACK! He got hit in the face.

"Oh my gawd," I said running over to Joey.

"Alright guys! Take a lap!" Coach Anderson yelled. The whole jv groaned.

"Are you okay?" I asked holding Joeys face.

"Yeah" he said. "I guess"

"Does playing goalie hurt?" I asked. "I guess you do get hit in the face" I laughed.

"Nyla can you take him to the nurse?" Mr. Anderson asked me.

"Yeah sure" I said.

We started to walk towards the nurse.

"Why were you staring at me and Billy" I asked.

"Because billy and you were flirting it up." He said to me.

"No we weren't" I denied.

"Well he seems to like you" Joey said.

"Yeah he probably does because I'm the only girl in a school full of hormonal boys" I said to him.

"That's not why I like you" Joey said to me.

"Yeah, but your not Billy" I responded.

"True" he said.

"And I don't even like Billy. I like you" I said.

"Oh yeah?" Joey said.

"Yep you and your love for me" I said smiling. "You don't really need to go to the nurse do you" I asked grabbing his hands and placing it on my waist.

"You wouldn't kill me if I said I actually no, would you?" Joey asked. I could see he really wanted to kiss me.

"Nah its okay, you got hit pretty hard" i giggled.

"Yeah," Joey said holding his nose.

"Is that where it hit you?" I laughed. He nodded.


We went to the nurses office and by the time we were out soccer was over.

"What do you wanna do now?" I asked holding Joeys hand.

"Just chill, I don't know" Joey said. We walked into his dorm room and I grabbed a book out of my backpack and sat on Joeys bed trying to read. Joey sat at his desk and started to draw. After about 5 chapter I looked up at Joey and he was staring at me. I got up and walked over to his desk. He closed his notebook. I ripped it out of his hands and flipped over to the page were he was drawing me reading. I looked at him and smiled.

"Cute" I said handing the book Back to him and sitting on his lap, facing him my legs around him. "Real cute" I said before kissing him. I put my hand on his chest as he kissed me back. He carefully grabbed my neck and pulled me closer. Then I left baby kisses all along his jaw line, and then pulled away to look at him.

"Your perfect" I spoke. Joey was just staring at me, speechless

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing." He said. "Your just the most beautiful thing I've ever seen"

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