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[Song of the Chapter: On My Mind- Ellie Golding]

I looked over at the clock and it read 8:00.

"Joey I gotta get unpacked" I told him. He looked at me with pleading eyes. "Not today" I said.

"Nyla" he wined.

"Joey" i mocked.

"Please?" Joey asked.

"You're gonna get me pregnant" I said.

"Nyla!" Joey yelled.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing" he said.

"Okay well then go" I said to him. "Go, Joey"

I finished up unpacking and then went to sleep.


I woke up to a knock on my door. I groaned, my eyes coded with sleep. I rubbed my eyes pulled a sweatshirt over my head and opened the door. It was Richardo.

"Well good morning sleeping beauty" he said to me.

"Richardo?" I asked confused. "What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Waking your lazy butt up, Joey had to take a shower, and then he got called to the dean's office" he answered.

"What did he do now?" I asked disappointed.

"Cherry bombs..."

"Oh no"

"...in the toilet"

"He's a freaking idiot"

"You said it, not me" Ricardo said. "It was mostly billy though"

"Of course it was" I said rolling my eyes.

"Anyway when you're ready come to the cafeteria for breakfast" ricardo said, closing the door.

"Hold up, can you wait for me?" i asked.

"I don't see why not" he said waiting in my door frame. I grabbed a pair of ripped skinny jeans, a Pink Floyd tee and my black high top converse.

"Turn around" I told Richardo. He turned around and closed the door.

I quickly got dressed and then winged my eyeliner in one stroke, A talent I've picked up, put on some mascara, and then put my hair up into a messy Bun. I grabbed my janSport back pack and opened the door.

"Okay let's go" I said. We started to walk towards the cafeteria.

"So how long have you and Joey been dating?" Richardo asked me making small talk.

"3 months?" I asked myself. "No no 4 months" I confirmed.

"Wow" Richardo said.

"Actually I guess it will be 5 months in a week or so" I said really thinking about it.

"So how about you?" I asked.

"What about me?"

"Do you have a girlfriend?" I asked.

"Nah" he shook his head. "I would never see her anyway.

"Oh" I said awkwardly.


We walked into the cafeteria and I saw Joey standing in line. I ran up and gave him a huge hug. He smiled and hugged me back.

"Good morning beautiful" he said kissing my forehead.

"Good morning" I said blushing. I turned around to get food. Joey rested his chin on my head.

"Is there a reason you look extra beautiful today?" Joey asked me. I laughed and turned around.

"Joey quit it!" I said giggling. He leaned down and pecked my lips.

We got our breakfast, and ate it after sitting down.

"Guess what!" I said excitingly.

"What?" Joey asked as we sat down.

"I have the same schedule as you!" I said excitingly.

"Cool" Joey said.

"Aren't you excited?" I asked him less excited.

"Yeah definitely" he said smiling. He pulled me closer and put his arm around me, and ate with his other hand. I kissed him on the cheek before I started eating.

"Can you guys keep it in your pants for like one minute?" Snuffy asked sitting down. Joey rolled his guys, and I giggled at his reaction. We both finished up eating.

"Ready for your first day?" Joey asked me, walking to class.

"Yeah" I said staring at the floor.

"What's wrong?" He asked me.

"Nothing, honestly" I started. "I'm just a bit nervous" I said to him.

"Why?" He asked.

"An all boys school? With one girl... Doesn't that seem dangerous to you" I asked.

"Nah," Joey said. "I won't let anything happen to you".

"Thanks" I said blushing.

We walking into trigonometry. The class started and the teacher started teach. I was bored out of my mind.

"I feel like my brain is turning to mush" I said leaning over to talk to Joey.

"I try not to think about how much mental damage it causes" Joey whispered back.

"True" I replied.

The bell rang and we got out of class after all the other classes, we had soccer practice, and apparently I was going to start on varsity next game.

"Now I want you all to run a mile" coach Anderson said to the whole team.
"Then practice is done, and you can go back to your dorms" he confirmed.

So we ran the mile and it turns out most of the boys are slow at running. Joey and Billy were planning on doing something I just know it. And soon enough Richardo took something of the security guards and started tossing it around. Billy pulled out some spray paint and crossed out the word Regis on the school sign to rejects. Now I'll admit that's funny. We jogged up as Richardo returned what he stole.

"Hey the dean is waiting for you three in your dorm" he said pointed at Joey and his two room mates.

"Nice know ya" Billy said to us. I ran to my room, and took a shower, got dressed and then walked over towards Joey room. Apparently Phils dad is a judge for some terrorist case and he needed to be taken to a specific safe place. I didn't think much of it.

"Okay okay so two knocks and then a single knock are the code for are you ready, if you do the same code back, your confirming that you are ready, okay?" Billy asked me.

"Got it" I said.

Hello fishies! Damn this was a pretty long chapter, anyway it's like really windy and it's scaring me, but like I made a new cover for those of you who wonder what Nyla looks like and also I added an outfit for the picture do you guy like the outfits or the gifs? Okay well goodnight <3

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