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"You got till exactly 45 minutes past the hour to get back to the trees." I said to him.

"That's the big hand on the little nine" Snuffy remarked sarcastically.

"I'll be there" Billy confirmed. 

"Wait until they look the other way" Hank said.

"Ready?" Joey asked him.

"Ready" Billy said.

"Watch yourself, man." Joey said to Billy. He nodded and ran down under the steps to a doorway, with a towel. He was going to break the window.

Richardo and Hank were passing a soccer ball. Richardo passed to Hank, and he passed it back to Richardo. Richardo then looked at Joey to see a nod come from him. Joey counted down from three with his fingers, and Richardo got ready to kick the ball.

Richardo kicked the ball the same exact time as Billy, and Billy quietly unlocked the door and opened it. And he went out of sight.

"Jesus, I hope this works." I whispered to Joey.

"It will" he whispered back.

"Alright start it up" Hank said to yogurt. 

"Leave it to me" Yogurt replied. He raised the plain and it flew around, everyone stared at it in awe. And then it flew towards a group of people and they all screamed. But then yogurt got control of it again and it flew away. Someone demanded that yogurt "shut it down" and got the plane taken away.

Snuffy patted me and Joey on the back and then walked into the building to give the guards on the roof coffee.

"Gosh, I'm so nervous about this" I said tapping my foot on the ground. I distracted myself, by passing the soccer ball back and forth with Richardo. Then snuffy came back.

"Any second, Now" he said and soon enough the fire alarm went off. A few minutes went past and Joey was starting to worry about Billy.

"We only got about a minute" Hank said looking at his watch.

"Where the hell is he?" Joey said panicking.

"Guys he'll be here" I said. I knew he would be.

"Damn, it's already too late Nyla"


"Get back in line I already counted you" Jack said to Hank. "Still 91" Jack said to Luis.

"Count them again" Luis ordered.

"Come on billy" I said under my breath. Jack counted again.

"Still 91" Jack told Luis.

"I told you what would happen if someone escaped," He spoke, I held Joey's hand tightly. "Did you think i was joking" He screamed. "You" he said pointing at the headmaster. "Hands up, Facing the wall" He said pushing the headmaster towards the wall. "and you," he said pointing at richardo. "and you" he said pointing to two boy i didn't know. "and you..." He said pointing at me with a dirty look. I looked at Joey with urgency. "Come on let's go" Luis said hitting me with the butt of his gun. I let go off Joey's hand and started to silently cry. We heard guns being loaded as we were facing the wall.

"Wait" i heard Billy yell. "Jesus, I was in the shower and I didn't hear the bell ring I'm so sorry".

"He's wet" Jack to Luis. Luis pulled him out of the room and Jack sent us back to the line. I ran over to Joey and would not let go of him, and he wouldn't let go of me.

Luis took Billy to the headmasters office, and Jack let us out into the quad.

I was still super scared, and shaky. I had just almost died. Joey noticed as we sat down against the wall of the quad.

"It's okay" Joey said. He hugged me tightly as I started to cry. I was going completely insane. "You're okay" Joey repeated over and over again, running his lanky fingers through my soft hair. I hugged his torso tight, and just continued to cry.

Suddenly Joey jumped and threw his arms in front of me. I looked to see what he was doing. He stopped a soccer ball that was about to hit me. I stared at the soccer ball in his hand.

"Hey Watch where you are kicking that!" Joey hissed at Hank.

"Sorry" Hank apologized.

"That almost hit, Nyla. That would have hurt!" Joey yelled as I snuggled into his shoulder.

"Joey, It's okay, Really"I said to him, and he relaxed. Hank walked away. "What was that?" I asked him.

"The soccer ball would have hit you, it would have hurt." He explained.

"Joey, I played soccer! I know what getting hit by a soccer ball feels like" I said to him.

"And?" He asked me.

"I don't need you to protect me" I said to him.

"I thought that's what you wanted me to do?" Joey asked getting mad.

"Not every single minute, a soccer ball wouldn't have done anything." I said standing up. "You don't have to yell at everyone, who does something wrong" I said walking away from him. "I can handle some things myself."

Billy walked out of the doors of the building walking towards Joey.

"What's wrong with Billy?" Ricardo asked.

"I don't know" I said. We walked over to Joey. Then we saw the marks. The same marks that were on my back. Joey walked away.

"Oh my god, Billy" I said.

"Now I know how you feel." Billy said in pain.

"Here" Joey said, walking back with a rag. He pulled up Billy's shirt and dabbed the marks. This hell actually got worse.

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