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[Song of the chapter: Trndsttr (Lucian Remix)- Black Coast]

Joey knocked on the deans door.

"Come in" the dean spoke. Joey walking in first and I followed him.

"Ah Mr. Trotta," he started. "I've been hearing that you have a guest." Joey looked back at me.

"Yeah" Joey said. "This is my girlfriend, Nyla Renn."

"And I've heard that you have no intention of leaving" he said to me.

"No sir" I said to him.

"Now if you think that I would let a girl go to an all boys school," he started strictly. "I wouldn't let her, in any normal circumstance. But from what I've heard that isn't the case" he said with his voice softer.

"No sir" Joey said to the dean.

"Miss. Renn please explain to me why you are here" he asked me. I looked at Joey and he nodded at me.

"Well my mom died a few months ago, ever since my dad has been devastated, but a few weeks ago, he started to drinking and it's become a bit violent" I said staring at the ground.

"Has it become dangerous?" The dean asked.

"Um yes sir, that's why she's here" Joey said.

"Well I look into you grades from your old school, and ask the headmaster about it, and I'll get back to you, but for now just go to all of joeys classes with him" he said to me.

"Thank you" I responded.


We walked out of the dean's office.

"Cool, I might be able to stay, anddd i get to spend all day with you" I said kissing him on the cheek.

"You're gonna have a lot of boys staring at you" Billy said sneaking up behind me.

"Do you always have to sneak up behind us?" Joey asked Billy.

"You can't just walk up and be like, 'hey guys how's it going?'" i asked him.

"Nope" He replied.

"But really though, Joey you're gonna get death threats if you're girlfriend is the only girl who goes here." Billy said.

"Oh well" Joey said.

"What's first?" I asked Joey.

"Trigonometry." He said.

"Oh fun" i said sarcastically.


We walked in and every eye was on me. You could hear whispers like 'she's a girl' or 'what has joey been doing in his free time' or the classic 'i call her' / 'i'd slap that'.

I sat at a desk by Joey and saw everyone still looking at me.

"There's nothing to see here" Joey yelled and most people looked away. Most people. There was one guy who wouldn't stop staring at me or my ass and I could feel Joey sensing me becoming uncomfortable. Joey glared at the boy and when he didn't stop Joey decided to go a little too far to prove a point. Joey put his hand just above my knee. The guy looked over a few times and Joey was at mid thigh, he would squeeze lightly, and I has to bite my lip so I wouldn't make any kind of sounds. The bell rang and Joey walked over to the boy.

"Listen Buddy" Joey started. "You don't touch her, you don't look at her, I don't even want you to think about her!" Joey said raising his voice. Before the boy could respond, joey walked away.

"That was a little harsh don't you think?" I asked him.

"No, I want people to know your mine" he said.


After school was over we went into joey's room and i sat down.

"I'm gonna take a shower" Joey said.

"Alright" I said, "I'll be out here" He went into the bathroom, and locked the door behind him. After about 5 minutes Billy walked into the room.

"Hey Nyla" Billy said.

"Hey" I responded.

"How was your day" Billy asked.

"Fuck off" I told him.

"You know you like me" Billy said.

"WHAT?!" i asked offended. "Listen asshole you can taunt me as much as you want-" Billy cut me off by kissing me. My eyes we're wide open, in shock. I quickly pulled away, and slapped Billy hard across the face.

"Fuck you" I said to him.

"What the hell Billy?" Joey yelled from the doorway of the bathroom with a only boxers on. "You son of a bitch" he yelled, His jaw clenched, slamming Billy to the ground. Joey threw a punch, Billy's face taking the blow. He didn't stop with the punches either.

"Joey!" I cried, "Stop! You're gonna kill him!"I said trying to pull him off of Billy. But he still wouldn't stop. "HEY!" I screamed. I yanked on his hair.

"Hey owww,that hurts." Joey said

"Then stop, Your hurting him." I said.

"Joey, Nyla The headmaster wants to see you- holy shit what happened to billy" Ricardo said.

"We'll explain when we get back" Joey said.

"It looked like you tried to kill him" Ricardo said.

"Come on we got to go Nyla" Joey said to me pulling me out of the room.


----------------------------------------------  [Well isn't protective Joey hella attractive... Anyway hello my fishies I'm currently collabing with wheatonsgalaxy she helped me with this chapter and she's gonna help me write smut! She's super great at writing so go read her stories!]

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