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[Song for the Chapter: Lady Killer- G Eazy]

The door to Joey's room slammed open fast. I jumped and gripped Joey tightly.

"Joey am I interrupting something?" Billy asked, Joeys friend Phil standing beside him.

"No, we were just sleeping" Joey said defensively.

"Hello Nyla" Billy said to me.

"Sup William" I asked. He rolled his eyes at me.

"So are you guys an actually thing?" Phil asked.

"Yeah, so don't look at her." Joey ordered. But billy and Phil were starring at me in my sports bra anyway. I pulled sheets up to my neck. "Do you not listen to me when i talk to you?" joey asked both of them.

"not really no" billy replied to him. "all though i do remember you telling me about a dream where you slammed Nyla against a wall and fucked her brains out."

"I never had a dream about that" joey denied. I looked at him in doubt raising my eyebrows. "I swear on my dog" joey said putting his hands up in surrender.

"Whatever lie to your girlfriend" Billy said climbing into his bed.

"I'm not lying" Joey said, and laid back down.

I rolled my eyes at him and laid back down along with Joey.

"I do love you though, Princess" Joey whispered in my ear, and then lightly kissed my neck. I quickly turned around and kissed him right on the nose.

"Goodnight Handsome" I said, burrowing my head into his shoulder. Joey kissed my forehead. Billy said a smart remark about us being gross, then Phil walked over to the door and hit the light switch.


"Owwww" i heard someone scream, and sat up quickly to turn to see Joey holding his head in front of his desk.

"What did you do now you idiot?" I laughed.

"Are you ready for breakfast?" He asked me.

"Not if its from under that table" I laughed. "What are you even doing?" I said walking towards him.

"I dropped my notebook" he said. I looked at all the papers across the floor.

"Holy shit Joey I knew you were good at drawing but I didn't know you were this good" I said looking at a picture he drew. He ripped the paper out of my hand and shoved it back in his notebook then he looked up.

"Holy shit Nyla I knew you were beautiful" he said looking at my exposed stomach. "But I never realized that you were that beautiful!" He said grinning.

"Your such a dork" I said laughing him.

"Yeah I am" he said standing up. "But you love it"

"Yes I do" I said standing up on my tippy toes and kissing him on the cheek, then swiftly turning around and walking to my suit case. I grabbed a pair of shorts and a tee-shirt and went into joeys bathroom and changed. When I got out of his bathroom, he was changed and he was putting on his converse.

"Breakfast?" I asked. He Laughed.

"Sure" he said. I opened his dresser and grabbed one of his sweatshirts. He hugged me from behind and put his head on my shoulder.

"Now since when could you wear my sweatshirt" he asked me.

"Ever since I became your girl friend" I laughed. I put on some teal converse. Then Joey and I started to walk to the cafeteria.

"So what do you do on Sunday's?" I asked.

"Eat, Sleep, and I'm pretty sure we have soccer practice." He said.

"Can I come to your soccer practice?" I asked.

"Yeah, you could probably teach them some stuff" he joked.

"Hey Joey! Who's the pretty lady!" I heard someone yell. I turned around to see a Mexican and a blonde boy walking towards us. Joey turned around and pulled my waist closer to him.

"This is my girlfriend Nyla" Joey introduced. "Nyla this is Snuffy and Ricardo"

"Hi" I said to both of them.

"Hey" they both said in unison. God all these hormonal boys. We walked towards the cafeteria. I blocked out the conversation the boys were having about Billy's new attempt to hide alcohol in his dorm.

When we got to cafeteria we got our food and sat down. I sat on the end seat and Joey sat beside me. Billy sat down beside Joey.  Ricardo sat across from me and snuffy beside him.

"Ohhhh a girl?" A dark skinned boy said walking up to the table with Phil.

"Take a picture it'll last longer" I said to him. Both Billy and Joey chuckled at my response.

Still laughing Joey managed to say "Hank this is Nyla"

"Nice to meet you Nyla" he said to me.

"Nice to meet you Hank"I said before starting to eat my food.

"So guys I was thinking about bringing Nyla to soccer" Joey said.

"Why?" Billy asked.

"Because I think she could teach you guys some tricks" Joey said.

"I don't think a girl that benches the jv girls soccer can show me anything" Billy said.

"No she can't, but lucky for you I start on the boys varsity" I laughed.

Richardo slapped his hand on snuffy's chest. "Wait guys do you think coach would let her join?!?" He asked.

"Maybe" Hank said, "but we don't even know if she's saying"

"Oh she's staying" the rest of the boys said.

"I guess they like you" Joey laughed.

"I guess" I replied.

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